10 Bisexual Dating Sites That Will Help You Find Your Soulmate

  • BiCupidBest for people looking to find love with someone who is open to dating both men and women.
  • BiLove – Best for people who are looking to explore their bisexuality and meet other open-minded individuals.
  • BisexualPassions – Best for people looking to find a partner who is open to both same-sex and opposite-sex relationships.
  • BisexualPlayground – Best for people looking to explore their bisexuality and meet like-minded individuals in a safe and secure online environment.
  • BisexualDating – Best for those looking to explore and find love with someone of the same or opposite gender.

There are plenty of other great bisexual dating sites available. Whether you’re looking for a casual hookup or something more serious, there are plenty of options to choose from. Alternatives that you might want to check out:

  • BisexualFriendsDate
  • BisexualFish
  • BisexualScene
  • BisexualChats
  • BisexualMatchmaker

How To Choose The Best Option For You?

Ah, the age-old question: how do you choose the best bisexual dating site? Well, it ain’t easy. With so many options out there these days, picking one can be a real headache! But don’t worry – I’m here to help make your decision easier. Here are some tips for finding the perfect bisexual dating site for you and your needs:

First of all, take into account what kind of relationship or experience you’re looking for. Are you just trying to find someone who shares similar interests as yourself? Or maybe something more serious like a long term commitment? Knowing this will narrow down which sites would work best for ya’. Secondly (and most importantly!), consider safety and security when choosing a bi-dating website or app. Make sure that they have measures in place such as profile verification systems and encryption technology to protect their users from scammers or hackers – after all nobody wants their private info getting leaked online! You should also look at reviews on third party websites before signing up with any service; if other people had bad experiences then chances are it’s not worth investing time in anyway! Lastly check out features offered by different services; things like messaging capabilities, matchmaking algorithms etc., may vary depending on where ya’ goin’, so keep an eye open while browsing around too see what fits yer style best!.

All said n’done though…it really comes down ta’ personal preference when selecting among various bisexal datingsites – try ’em out first hand if possible (or ask friends/family members who’ve used them) before making any decisions – trust me,you’ll thank yourself later 😉 Good luck with yer search folks!!

Who Uses Bisexual Dating Sites?

Ya know, bisexual dating sites are for everyone! It’s not just the LGBT community that uses them. People of all ages and backgrounds use these sites to find someone special – or even a few someones! Whether you’re looking for something serious, casual hookups, friendships or anything in between – there’s an app out there that caters to your needs. Even if you don’t identify as bi-curious but want to explore different sexual orientations with no strings attached? There’s a site for ya too! Bisexual dating is becoming more popular than ever before so it makes sense why people from all walks of life would be interested in checking it out. So go ahead and give one (or two!) a try – who knows what kind of amazing connections await?!

List Of Best Bisexual Dating Sites


BiCupid is the go-to dating site for those looking for a real connection. With its key features, like its extensive search filters and detailed profiles, you can find your perfect match in no time. Plus, its user-friendly interface makes it easy to navigate. And with its secure messaging system, you can rest assured that your conversations are safe and private. So if you’re ready to take the plunge into online dating, BiCupid is the way to go!


BiLove is the ultimate dating site for finding love! It’s packed with features to help you find your perfect match, like video chat, group chat, private messaging, and more. Plus, its unique algorithm helps you find the most compatible matches quickly and easily. And with its advanced search options, you can narrow down your search to exactly what you’re looking for. So don’t wait – sign up today and get ready to fall in love!


BisexualPassions is the perfect spot for bisexuals looking to connect! It’s a dating site that offers tons of features like chat rooms, groups, forums, and more. Plus, it’s 100% free to join, so you can start browsing right away. With its user-friendly interface and secure messaging system, BisexualPassions makes it easy to find someone special. And, with its diverse community, you’ll be sure to meet people who share your interests. So, what are you waiting for? Join BisexualPassions today and start finding love!


BisexualPlayground is the ultimate dating site for bi-curious and bisexual singles. It’s packed with features, from chat rooms to private messaging, that make it easy to connect with like-minded people. Plus, you can search by location, age, gender, and more. And with a free sign-up, it’s a no-brainer! So don’t miss out – join today and find your perfect match!


BisexualDating is the ultimate dating site for bi-curious singles! With its key features, like advanced search filters and a secure messaging system, you can easily find your perfect match. Plus, its unique matching algorithm ensures that you’ll be connected with compatible partners. And with its privacy settings, you can rest assured that your personal info will stay safe. So, if you’re looking for a fun and easy way to meet other bi-curious singles, BisexualDating is the way to go!

5 Useful Tips For Bisexual Dating Sites

  • Make sure to read the terms and conditions of the site before signing up.
  • Take your time to fill out your profile completely and accurately.
  • Be honest about who you are and what you’re looking for in a partner.
  • Don’t be afraid to reach out to potential matches first.
  • Be patient and don’t give up if you don’t find someone right away.

How Do We Rank Bisexual Dating Sites?

When it comes to reviewing bisexual dating sites, my team and I take our job seriously. We don’t just read the reviews online – we actually test out each site for ourselves! That means spending time on both free and paid versions of these sites, sending messages to other users (we sent a total of 150 messages over 10 days), getting feedback from real people who have used them before, comparing features between different platforms… you name it. We also make sure that all safety measures are in place when using any website – checking if there’s an option for two-factor authentication or data encryption is something we always do as part of our review process. And because this isn’t just about testing the websites but understanding how they work too, we spend hours researching into user experiences with particular apps/sites so that readers can get a better idea what they’re signing up for. At the end of every review process like this one dedicated to bisexual dating sites, my team and I come together to discuss everything thoroughly so that no stone goes unturned during evaluation; only then will ratings be assigned accordingly based on all criteria mentioned above plus more! Our commitment sets us apart from other review sites which may not offer such detailed analysis – giving readers peace-of-mind knowing their decisions are well informed ones indeed!


Overall, bisexual dating sites are a great way to meet like-minded people and find someone special. They provide an opportunity for members of the LGBTQ+ community to connect with each other in a safe and secure environment. With so many options available, there’s sure to be something that fits your needs! So whether you’re looking for friendship or romance, don’t hesitate – get out there and start exploring the world of online bisexual dating today!


1. Where can I find free bisexual dating sites?

There are lots of free bisexual dating sites out there, so you’re sure to find one that works for you. I’d recommend checking out some user reviews before signing up – this way, you can make sure the site is legit and has a good community. Good luck with your search!

2. Are bisexual dating sites real?

Yes, bisexual dating sites are real! They’re a great way to meet people who share your interests and values. Plus, you can connect with like-minded individuals from all over the world in an inclusive environment.

3. How legit are bisexual dating sites?

Bisexual dating sites are pretty legit. I’ve tried a few and they all seem to have plenty of active users, so you should be able to find someone who fits your needs. Plus, most of them offer features like chat rooms and video calls which make it easier for people to connect with each other online before taking things offline.

4. Are there any 100% free bisexual dating sites?

Unfortunately, there are no 100% free bisexual dating sites. However, some of the larger ones offer a limited trial period for new members to get an idea of what they have to offer before committing financially. Additionally, many smaller sites may be completely free but might not have as large a user base or features that more established platforms do.