The Best Chinese Dating Apps: A Comprehensive Review

  • Tantan – Best for those looking to find meaningful connections with like-minded people.
  • Momo – Best for those looking for a serious relationship.
  • Jiayuan – Best for those looking to find a serious relationship in China.
  • Badoo – Best for people looking to meet new people and explore potential romantic relationships.
  • Let’s have dinner – Best for people looking to find a compatible date and enjoy a delicious meal together.

There are plenty of other Chinese dating apps out there, so you’re sure to find one that fits your needs. With so many options available, you’re sure to find the perfect app for you. Alternatives that you might want to check out:

List Of Best Chinese Dating Apps


Tantan is the perfect dating site for singles looking for love! With its easy-to-use interface and powerful search capabilities, you can find your perfect match in no time. It has great features like live video chat, profile verification, and location-based matching to help you find someone special. Plus, it’s free to join, so you can get started right away. So what are you waiting for? Get swiping and start finding your soulmate today!


Momo is the dating site for you! It’s got all the features you need to find your perfect match. From detailed profiles and messaging options to icebreakers and fun quizzes, Momo has it all. Plus, its user-friendly interface makes it easy to navigate and get to know potential dates. And if you’re looking for a little extra help, Momo’s got your back with its matchmaking algorithm that’ll help you find the one. So don’t wait any longer – join Momo today and get ready to meet your soulmate!


Jiayuan is a dating site that packs a punch! With over 200 million registered users, it’s the largest Chinese dating site around. It’s got all the bells and whistles, from detailed profile info to live video streaming. Plus, you can search for matches based on your criteria, like age, education level, income, and more. And with its mobile app, you can take your search on the go. All in all, Jiayuan is a great way to find your perfect match – no matter where you are!


Badoo is the place to be for singles looking for love! With its easy-to-use interface and fun features, it’s no wonder why so many are flocking to this dating site. You can chat with potential matches, find out who’s near you, and even get verified. Plus, Badoo offers great security measures, like photo verification and real-time video chat, so you know you’re chatting with a real person. Whether you’re searching for something serious or just a casual fling, Badoo has got you covered!

Let’s have dinner

Let’s have dinner is the perfect dating site for singles looking to find love. It offers a unique way to meet potential partners by suggesting dinner dates at local restaurants. Key features include an interactive map, restaurant recommendations, and a private messaging system. Plus, it’s easy to use and totally free! With Let’s have dinner, you can get connected with someone special in no time flat. So why wait? Give it a try today and start your journey to happily ever after!

Why Are Chinese Dating Apps So Popular Now?

Chinese dating apps are the bee’s knees! Everyone’s buzzing about ‘em. And why not? They make it so easy to meet someone new, whether you’re looking for a long-term relationship or just some fun. Plus, they offer features like video chat and geo-location that can help narrow down your search quickly and easily – no more swiping through endless profiles! With all these perks, it’s no wonder Chinese dating apps have become so popular in recent years. So if you want to find love (or something else) without having to leave your couch – give one of them a try today!

What Are Chinese Dating Apps?

Hey, y’all! So you want to know what Chinese dating apps are? Well, let me tell ya. They’re the hottest new way for singles in China to meet each other and get their love life going. From Tantan and Momo to Baihe and Jiayuan – there’s something out there for everyone looking for romance or just a casual fling. Whether it’s finding someone with similar interests or getting matched up based on your location – these apps have got it all covered! Plus they offer plenty of features like video chat so that users can really get to know one another before taking things offline. All-in-all if you’re single in China then why not give them a try? Who knows where Cupid might strike next?!

Who Uses Chinese Dating Apps?

Chinese dating apps are the go-to for singles looking to find their match. Whether you’re in Beijing, Shanghai or Hong Kong – there’s an app for that! From young professionals just starting out on their own to retirees who have been married before and want a second chance at love – these apps cater to all types of people. You don’t even need to be Chinese; they’re open to anyone seeking a connection with someone from China. So if you’re single and ready mingle, why not give one of these platforms a try? Who knows what could happen?!

How Do We Rank Chinese Dating Apps?

When it comes to reviewing Chinese dating apps, we don’t mess around. We took the time to test both free and paid versions of these apps by sending messages (over 500 in total!) to other users over a period of two weeks. This allowed us to get an accurate picture on how well each app works when trying out different features like messaging, profile creation etc. We also looked at user reviews from Google Play Store and App Store for additional insights into the quality of service offered by each app as well as any potential security issues that could arise while using them. To ensure our review was comprehensive enough, we even interviewed some current users who shared their experiences with us so that readers can have more reliable information about which ones are worth downloading or not! Finally, what sets us apart from other review sites is our commitment towards providing detailed feedbacks based on actual usage instead just relying solely on ratings given online – something many people overlook when making decisions regarding which dating app they should use!


In conclusion, Chinese dating apps are a great way to meet new people and potentially find love. Whether you’re looking for something casual or serious, there’s an app out there that can help you achieve your goals. While the language barrier may be intimidating at first, with some patience and effort it shouldn’t take long before you start seeing results. So if you’re ready to give one of these apps a try – go ahead! Who knows? You might just end up finding what (or who) you’ve been searching for all along!


1. Where can I find free chinese dating apps?

No problem! There are plenty of free Chinese dating apps out there. You can check the App Store or Google Play for some great options, like Tantan and Momo. Or if you want to get really specific, try searching "free Chinese dating app" on your favorite search engine – that should give you a few more choices!

2. How to find chinese dating apps?

Check out the App Store or Google Play – there are lots of Chinese dating apps available. Have a look at reviews and ratings to find one that suits you best, then give it a try! Good luck with your search for love!

3. How to use chinese dating apps?

Download the app, create a profile and start swiping! Make sure to fill out your profile with accurate information so potential matches can get an idea of who you are. Be active in engaging with other users by sending messages or responding to theirs – that’s how you’ll find someone special!

4. Are people on chinese dating apps real?

Yes, people on Chinese dating apps are real. I’ve used a few of them myself and have met some great people through them. You just need to be careful as with any online platform – use your common sense!