Ah, the world of online dating. It’s been a wild ride over the past few years! With more and more sites popping up every day, it can be hard to keep track of them all – especially when you factor in all those niche options out there too. From gay dating apps like Grindr to Asian-specific ones like EastMeetEast, it seems that no matter what your preference is these days there’s something for everyone!

As someone who has tried their hand at pretty much every single one (and trust me – I have!), let me tell ya: finding true love isn’t easy but with so many choices available nowadays at least you know where to start looking! You just gotta wade through some frogs before you find your prince or princess charming…or whatever else tickles your fancy 😉 So if anyone ever asks my opinion on which app they should try first? My answer’s always gonna be "Try ’em ALL!"

Rank Site Rating Link
#1 Ashley Madison 9.7
#2 bharatMatrimony 9.4
#3 Bumble 9.6
#4 Collarspace 9.5
#5 FuckBook 9.8
#6 Hinge 9.8
#7 IMVU 9.5
#8 Parship 9.7
#9 SilverDaddies 9.8
#10 Smooch 9.6
#11 Surge 9.8
#12 SwingLifestyle 9.7
#13 Tabby 9.7
#14 ThaiFriendly 9.6
#15 Twoo 9.6

Ranking the Top Fifteen Online Dating Platforms

Ashley Madison

Ashley Madison is the ultimate dating site for anyone looking for a little extra excitement. It’s packed with features to make your online dating experience easier and more successful. From discreet photos and messaging, to anonymous browsing and profile protection, you can trust Ashley Madison to keep your secrets safe. Plus, its huge user base means you’ll have plenty of potential matches to choose from. So if you’re looking for something more than just a casual fling, Ashley Madison is the perfect place to find it!

Pros Cons
Ashley Madison is a secure dating site that allows users to remain anonymous. Ashley Madison has been subject to data breaches in the past.
The site offers many features such as message filtering and virtual gifts. Ashley Madison has been criticized for its pricing structure.
The site has an extensive search function, allowing users to find matches quickly. Some users have reported receiving spam messages from other users.

Ashley Madison Review


BharatMatrimony is the go-to dating site for Indian singles. It offers a comprehensive range of features, including detailed profiles, matchmaking tools, and advanced search options. Plus, it’s easy to use and navigate, so you can find your perfect match in no time. Its secure messaging system keeps conversations private, and its customer service team is always on hand to help. And with millions of members, you’re sure to find someone special. So if you’re looking for love, BharatMatrimony is the place to be!

Pros Cons
Easy to use interface Limited search filters
Variety of profiles available Subscription required for most features
Comprehensive profile information Limited messaging options
Security and privacy features Lack of customer support

bharatMatrimony Review


Bumble is the bee’s knees when it comes to online dating! It’s a dating site/app that puts women in control, allowing them to make the first move. You can swipe through profiles and find potential matches based on mutual interests. Plus, Bumble has unique features like Bumble BFF and Bumble Bizz, which allow you to connect with people for platonic or professional relationships. With its safety-first approach, Bumble is sure to give you the best dating experience around!

Pros Cons
Easy to use interface Limited search options
Offers photo verification for safety No video chat option
Ability to link other social media accounts Must pay for some features
Matches expire after 24 hours Limited international availability

Bumble Review


Collarspace is a great dating site! It’s got plenty of features to keep you busy, like chatrooms, forums, and even private messaging. Plus, its interface is super user-friendly and easy to navigate. And the best part? It’s totally free! No need to break the bank to find your perfect match. Plus, with tons of active users, you’re sure to find someone who catches your eye. So don’t wait – sign up for Collarspace today and get ready to mingle!

Pros Cons
Easy to use interface Limited search options
Comprehensive profile customization Low user base
Free to join and use Lack of customer support

Collarspace Review


FuckBook is the ultimate dating site for singles looking for a good time. It’s got all the bells and whistles, from video chat to private messaging, so you can get your flirt on without a hitch. Plus, it’s free to join, so you don’t have to break the bank to find love. With its easy-to-use interface and quick sign-up process, you’ll be connecting with potential matches in no time. Whether you’re looking for a casual fling or something more serious, FuckBook has you covered. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start swiping!

Pros Cons
Easy to use interface Not suitable for serious relationships
Variety of members Fake profiles can be an issue
Free to join Limited features without a paid subscription

FuckBook Review


Hinge is the dating site for you if you’re looking for something serious. It’s designed to be a more meaningful way to connect with people, as it focuses on quality over quantity. With Hinge, you get access to features like profile prompts and icebreakers that make it easier to start conversations. Plus, its algorithm is designed to match you with people who share your interests and values. The app also offers an easy-to-use interface and user-friendly design, making it a breeze to navigate. So, if you’re ready to take your online dating game to the next level, give Hinge a try!

Pros Cons
Easy to use interface Limited access to features without a paid subscription
Comprehensive profile setup Can be time consuming to set up a profile
Matches based on mutual interests Fewer users than other dating sites/apps
Ability to add video to profiles Potential for fake accounts

Hinge Review


IMVU is a dating site like no other! It’s got all the bells and whistles you’d expect from a top-notch dating platform, plus some unique features that make it stand out from the crowd. With IMVU, you can create your own avatar and customize it to look just like you. You can also chat with other users in real-time, share photos, and join group chats. Plus, IMVU has a great community of people who are friendly and welcoming. All in all, IMVU is a great way to meet new people and have fun online.

Pros Cons
Easy to use interface Limited features compared to other dating sites/apps
Large user base Can be difficult to find compatible matches
Variety of avatars and customizations No video chat feature
Free to join Some users are not looking for serious relationships

IMVU Review


Parship is the perfect dating site for singles looking for a serious relationship. It offers a unique compatibility test to match users with their ideal partner, and provides an in-depth profile creation process. Plus, it has great features like an anonymous contact request, photo verification, and icebreakers to get conversations started. Parship makes it easy to find your perfect match – no more swiping left or right! It’s the real deal, and you can’t beat the convenience of having all the best matches at your fingertips.

Pros Cons
Easy to use interface Limited features for free users
Comprehensive personality test Subscription required for full access
Large user base No app available
Detailed profiles Matching algorithm not always accurate

Parship Review


SilverDaddies is a great dating site for mature gay men. It’s got tons of features, like the ability to create a profile, upload photos, search for matches, and send messages. Plus, you can join chat rooms and forums to connect with other users. The best part? It’s free! So if you’re looking for a fun way to meet new people, SilverDaddies is the way to go. You’ll be sure to find someone special in no time!

Pros Cons
SilverDaddies is a dating site that caters to older men and their admirers. SilverDaddies has limited search options.
The site offers detailed profiles with photos and videos. SilverDaddies does not have a mobile app.
SilverDaddies offers a safe and secure environment for users. SilverDaddies has a limited user base.

SilverDaddies Review


Smooch is the perfect dating site for those looking for love! With its easy-to-use interface and advanced search features, it’s no wonder Smooch is quickly becoming one of the most popular dating sites out there. It’s got all the bells and whistles you’d expect from a top-notch dating site, like instant messaging, detailed profiles, and compatibility tests. Plus, Smooch also offers free membership, so you can try it out without breaking the bank. So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and start smooching your way to true love!

Pros Cons
Easy to use interface Limited features for free users
Free to sign up Limited search options
Comprehensive profile creation process No video chat feature
Secure messaging system Fewer members than other dating sites/apps

Smooch Review


Surge is the perfect dating site for singles looking for love. It’s packed with awesome features, like video chat and live streaming, to make it easier than ever to connect with potential matches. Plus, you can search by location, age, gender, and more to find your perfect match. And if that wasn’t enough, Surge also offers a safe and secure environment, so you can rest assured that your data is always protected. With all these advantages, Surge is the ideal choice for finding your soulmate!

Pros Cons
Surge is a convenient and easy-to-use dating app. It does not have as many features as other dating apps.
Surge offers an extensive user base. The user interface can be difficult to navigate.
Surge has advanced search filters. The messaging system is limited.
Surge provides helpful customer support. The free version has limited features.

Surge Review


SwingLifestyle is the ultimate dating site for couples and singles looking to get their groove on! With its key features like private messaging, photo sharing, and video chat, you can find your perfect match in no time. Plus, its user-friendly interface makes it a breeze to navigate. And with its extensive database of members, you’re sure to find someone who shares your interests. So don’t wait any longer – join SwingLifestyle today and start living life to the fullest!

Pros Cons
Easy to use interface. Limited user base.
Secure messaging system. No mobile app.
Comprehensive profile creation. Subscription required for full access.
Variety of search options. Some features are not available in all countries.

SwingLifestyle Review


Tabby is the ultimate dating site! With its key features and advantages, it’s no wonder why it’s so popular. It offers a unique matching algorithm that takes into account your likes and dislikes, making sure you get the best possible matches. Plus, it has tons of great features like chatrooms, video calls, and even virtual dates. And with its intuitive interface, you can easily navigate the site and find exactly what you’re looking for. All in all, Tabby is the perfect way to find your perfect match!

Pros Cons
Tabby is a convenient dating site/app for finding potential matches. Tabby may not have as many users as other popular dating sites/apps.
Tabby has a user-friendly interface. Some users may find the matchmaking algorithm to be too simplistic.
Tabby offers various features such as chat, profile customization, and more. The cost of premium membership may be too expensive for some users.

Tabby Review


ThaiFriendly is a great dating site for singles looking to find their match in Thailand. It’s packed with features like chat, messaging, and search filters, making it easy to connect with potential partners. Plus, the site has an active user base of over 1.5 million members, so you’re sure to find someone who catches your eye. What’s more, it’s free to join and use, so there’s no need to break the bank. All in all, ThaiFriendly is a top-notch option for anyone looking for love in Thailand.

Pros Cons
Easy to use interface Limited messaging options
Large user base Not available in all countries
Variety of search options No video chat feature
Free to join and use basic features Limited profile information

ThaiFriendly Review


Twoo is a great dating site for singles looking to mingle. It offers lots of features to help you find the perfect match, like chat and video messaging, photo verification, profile customization, and more. Plus, it’s free to join! With Twoo, you can easily search for people in your area or around the world, get to know them better with the chat feature, and even see who’s viewed your profile. The best part? You can keep your conversations private, so you don’t have to worry about anyone else seeing what you’re up to. So, why wait? Get out there and start mingling on Twoo today!

Pros Cons
Easy to use interface Limited features compared to other dating sites/apps
Free to join Fewer users than other dating sites/apps
Verified profiles No video chat feature
Matches based on location Limited search options

Twoo Review

How We Analyze Popular Dating Sites & Apps

At my online dating review site, we take our job seriously. We don’t just look at the features of a website or app and call it a day – no way! Our team dives deep into each platform to make sure that users get an accurate picture of what they’re signing up for. First off, we test both free and paid versions so you know which one is worth your hard-earned money (and time). To do this, we create accounts on every single dating site/app out there and send messages to other users – usually around 10 per day over the course of 2 weeks. This helps us get an idea about how active people are on these platforms as well as their response rate when someone sends them a message first. We also read through user reviews from all over the web – good ones, bad ones; doesn’t matter because it’s important for us to be aware of any potential issues with certain sites or apps before recommending them in our reviews. And then comes our favorite part: analyzing data like success rates among different demographics such as age group or sexual orientation etc., pricing plans & subscription models offered by various services etc.. All this information goes into creating comprehensive reports that give readers everything they need to decide if something is right for them or not without having second thoughts about it later down the line!
Finally but most importantly, I personally spend several hours testing each service myself while keeping track notes along with screenshots so I can provide detailed feedback based on my own experience using these websites/apps – something many other review sites simply don’t offer since its quite labor intensive work requiring commitment from reviewers end too!


1. Which dating sites are completely free?

There are a few dating sites that offer completely free services. OkCupid and Plenty of Fish are two popular ones, while Hinge is another great option if you’re looking for something more serious. You can also check out the Bumble app which offers limited features at no cost.

2. What to say on dating sites?

Be honest and open about who you are. Ask questions to get to know the other person better, and be sure to share some fun facts about yourself too! Show your sense of humor – it’s always a great way to break the ice.

3. What are the best dating sites for gays?

I’ve tried a few different dating sites and apps for gays, but my favorites are definitely Grindr, Scruff and HER. They all have great features that make it easy to meet people in your area who share similar interests. Plus they’re super user-friendly so you can get started right away!

4. What are the best dating sites for Christians?

I’ve tried a few different dating sites and apps for Christians, and I’d say the best ones are Christian Mingle, eharmony, and Hinge. They all have great features to help you find someone who shares your faith. Plus they’re really easy to use so it’s not intimidating at all!