If you’re like me, you’ve been around the online dating block a few times. From Tinder to Bumble and beyond, it seems there are more dating sites and apps popping up every day! And that’s not even counting all of the niche sites out there for LGBTQ+ singles or those looking for Asian partners – just to name a couple examples. It can be overwhelming trying to figure out which one is right for you!

That’s why I’m here: your virtual guide through this wild world of modern romance. After years spent swiping left and right (and sometimes getting burned in the process), I’ve become something of an expert on navigating these digital love connections – so trust me when I say that no matter what kind of relationship experience you’re after, chances are good that someone has created an app or website specifically tailored towards your needs.

But before we dive into any specifics let me offer some general advice: take things slow; don’t get too attached until after meeting face-to-face; keep safety first by never giving away personal information over chat services; always double check user reviews before signing up with any site/app…you know, common sense stuff like that! Now then – let’s find YOU someone special…

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15 Dating Sites And Apps You Have To Try

What We’re Looking For When Evaluating Dating Sites and Apps

At Online Dating Expert, we take reviewing dating sites and apps seriously. We don’t just look at the features on offer – we actually use them! Our team of experts spends an average of 5 days testing each site or app, sending messages to other users (we usually send around 30) and exploring all aspects from usability to safety measures. We also test both free and paid versions so that our readers get a comprehensive review before they decide which one is right for them. Plus, as part of our commitment to providing in-depth reviews that set us apart from other review sites out there, we ask questions about customer service response times too – something most others overlook completely! All this ensures you have access to reliable information when it comes time for you make your decision about which online dating platform best suits your needs.


1. What to say on dating sites?

Be honest and open about who you are, what you’re looking for in a relationship, and your interests. Show off your personality with humor or interesting stories to keep the conversation going. Ask questions that will help you get to know someone better so that both of you can decide if there’s potential for something more.

2. What are the best Asian dating sites?

I’ve tried a few Asian dating sites and my favorite is definitely EastMeetEast. It’s super easy to use, the matches are great quality, and you can really tell they put in effort into making sure it works well for everyone. Plus their customer service team is top notch! I’d highly recommend giving them a try if you’re looking for an Asian dating site.

3. Is it possible to find serious relationships online?

Yes, it is possible to find serious relationships online. I’ve seen many success stories from people who met their significant other through dating sites and apps. It’s all about finding the right platform that works for you!

4. Is it safe to use dating apps from the list?

Yes, it’s safe to use dating apps from the list. I’ve tried several of them myself and had a good experience with all of them. They have safety measures in place like profile verification and reporting options that make sure you can find someone safely without any issues.