Hey there, if you’re looking for a dating guru and online dating expert who has tried it all when it comes to the world of digital romance, then look no further! I’ve been in this game since before swiping was even a thing. With the rise of technology over recent years, so too have come an ever-growing number of ways to find love – or at least someone willing to pretend they do. From Tinder and Bumble right through to niche sites like gay dating apps Grindr or Asian singles site 2RedBeans; whatever your preference is these days you can be sure that there will be something out there for everyone. I mean honestly – where else could we go from here? We already have virtual reality dates… just kidding (or am I?). But seriously though – with such an abundance of options available nowadays how are any two people supposed to meet up? That’s why having someone experienced in navigating this new landscape is essential! So let me take on that role as your trusty guide into the wilds of modern day courtship: from helping craft those perfect opening lines through finding compatible matches; whether its serious relationships or casual flings I’m here ready and waiting with my sage advice every step along the way.

Rank Site Rating Link
#1 Ashley Madison 9.7
#2 bharatMatrimony 9.4
#3 Bumble 9.6
#4 Collarspace 9.5
#5 FuckBook 9.8
#6 Hinge 9.8
#7 IMVU 9.5
#8 Parship 9.7
#9 SilverDaddies 9.8
#10 Smooch 9.6
#11 Surge 9.8
#12 SwingLifestyle 9.7
#13 Tabby 9.7
#14 ThaiFriendly 9.6
#15 Twoo 9.6

Ranking the Top Fifteen Online Dating Platforms

Ashley Madison

Ashley Madison is the go-to dating site for those looking for a little something extra. With its discreet features, it’s perfect for those seeking an affair or just a casual fling. It offers secure messaging, profile protection, and even a panic button in case you need to quickly get out of a sticky situation. Plus, with its unique “Traveling Man” feature, you can find someone to hook up with no matter where you are. So if you’re looking for a little extra excitement, Ashley Madison has got you covered!

Ashley Madison Review


bharatMatrimony Review


Bumble is the bee’s knees when it comes to online dating! It’s a great site with plenty of features and advantages. It puts the power in your hands by allowing women to make the first move. Plus, you can connect with people through their Bumble BFF and Bumble Bizz services, so you can make friends and business contacts too. It also has a built-in photo verification system to ensure that everyone is who they say they are. With its user-friendly interface and robust security, Bumble is a great way to find your perfect match!

Pros Cons
Easy to use interface Limited user base
Offers detailed profiles No chat room feature
Ability to connect with Facebook Fewer matches than other dating apps/sites
Women have the power to make the first move Matches expire after 24 hours

Bumble Review


Collarspace is a dating site that offers a variety of features and advantages. It has an easy-to-use interface, so you can get up and running quickly. You can also search for matches based on your preferences, like age, location, and interests. Plus, it has a secure messaging system, so you can chat with potential dates without worrying about your privacy. And if you’re feeling extra adventurous, you can even join their BDSM community! All in all, Collarspace is a great option for anyone looking to find love online.

Pros Cons
Easy to use interface Limited features compared to other dating sites/apps
Large user base Unmoderated profiles can lead to inappropriate content
Offers a variety of ways to connect with potential matches Lack of customer service support

Collarspace Review


FuckBook is the ultimate dating site for singles looking for a good time. It’s packed with features to help you find your perfect match, including advanced search filters, chat rooms, and even live video streaming. Plus, its user-friendly interface makes it easy to navigate. Best of all, it’s totally free! So, what are you waiting for? Sign up now and start connecting with other singles who are ready to get down and dirty. Get ready to have some fun – FuckBook has got you covered!

Pros Cons
Easy to use dating site No compatibility matching system
Large user base Some profiles are fake
Free to join Not many safety features

FuckBook Review


Hinge is the dating site that’s got it all! With its unique algorithm, you get tailored matches based on your preferences. Plus, you can easily connect with people who share similar interests and values. And the best part? You can even set up video dates if you want to take things to the next level. All in all, Hinge is a great way to meet someone special without all the hassle of other dating sites. It’s definitely worth checking out!

Pros Cons
Easy to use interface Limited user base
Verified profiles Not available in all countries
Connects you with friends of friends Can be time consuming to find a match
Offers detailed profiles Limited free features

Hinge Review


IMVU is a dating site that’s totally off the hook! It’s got all the bells and whistles you could want, from virtual rooms to 3D avatars. Plus, it’s got an awesome chat feature that lets you connect with other users in real-time. And the best part? It’s totally free! So if you’re looking for a way to meet new people and have some fun, IMVU is the way to go. Get ready to get your flirt on!

Pros Cons
IMVU is a great way to meet people online. IMVU can be overwhelming with its large user base.
IMVU offers a variety of features for users. IMVU may not have the best safety and security measures in place.
IMVU has an easy-to-use interface. IMVU may not be the most popular dating site or app.

IMVU Review


Parship is a dating site that offers singles the chance to find true love. It’s unique in that it uses a personality test to match you with compatible partners. The key features include a detailed questionnaire, a scientific matching system, and secure messaging. Advantages of Parship include its focus on long-term relationships, its large user base, and its easy-to-use interface. Plus, it’s free to sign up and try out! All in all, Parship is a great option for anyone looking for a serious relationship.

Pros Cons
Parship offers a reliable and secure dating experience. Parship is more expensive than other dating sites.
Parship provides detailed personality tests to help users find compatible matches. Parship’s user base is smaller than some other dating sites.
Parship has a mobile app for easy access on the go. Parship does not offer as many features as some other dating sites.

Parship Review


SilverDaddies is a dating site for mature men and their admirers. It’s got great features like photo albums, chat rooms, messaging, and search options to help you find your perfect match. Plus, it’s free to join! With SilverDaddies, you can connect with people who share similar interests and values. It’s a great way to meet someone special, without all the hassle of traditional dating. So, if you’re looking for a mature relationship, give SilverDaddies a try – you won’t be disappointed!

Pros Cons
Easy to use interface Limited search options
Large user base No mobile app
Comprehensive profiles Lack of moderation

SilverDaddies Review


Smooch is the ultimate dating site! It’s packed with awesome features and advantages. You can easily find your perfect match with its advanced search options, or just take a chance and let Smooch suggest potential dates for you. Plus, you can connect with other singles through chat rooms and forums. With Smooch, it’s never been easier to find your soulmate! And best of all, it’s totally free – so what are you waiting for? Sign up today and get smooching!

Pros Cons
Easy to use interface Limited features compared to other dating sites/apps
Free to join and use No way to filter by location
Quick sign up process Fewer users than other dating sites/apps

Smooch Review


Surge is the ultimate dating site for singles looking for love. It offers a variety of features to make finding that special someone easier than ever, including detailed profiles, compatibility tests, and even video chat. Plus, it’s totally free! With Surge, you can rest assured that you’ll find your perfect match in no time. Its intuitive design makes navigating the site a breeze, and its cutting-edge algorithms ensure you get the best possible matches. So don’t wait – sign up today and start your journey to happily ever after!

Pros Cons
Surge is a convenient and easy-to-use dating app. Surge has limited features compared to other dating apps.
Surge offers users a wide range of potential matches. Surge does not have a desktop version.
Surge provides an intuitive user interface. Surge has a limited number of active users.

Surge Review


SwingLifestyle is the ultimate dating site for singles and couples looking to spice up their love life. With its key features, such as real-time chat, forums, and events, it’s easy to find like-minded people who share your interests. Plus, you can search for potential matches by location, age, gender, and more. The best part? It’s totally free! So, if you’re looking to take your relationship to the next level, SwingLifestyle is the way to go.

Pros Cons
Easy to use interface Limited number of users
Variety of search options Not available in all countries
Free membership with basic features Lack of customer support
Privacy and security measures Limited communication options

SwingLifestyle Review


Tabby is the cat’s meow when it comes to online dating! It’s got all the bells and whistles you could want in a dating site, plus some extra features that really make it stand out. With its intuitive design, it’s easy to use and navigate, and its advanced matching algorithm helps you find your perfect match. Plus, with its secure messaging system, you can be sure that your conversations are kept private. All in all, Tabby is a great way to find love online!

Pros Cons
Easy to use interface Limited user base
Comprehensive profile setup No video chat feature
Free messaging No background checks on users
Ability to filter potential matches No ID verification

Tabby Review


ThaiFriendly is a dating site that packs a punch! It’s got loads of features and advantages, like an easy-to-use interface, quick signup process, and lots of active members. Plus, it’s free to join and use, so you can get started right away. You can search for matches by location, age, interests, and more. And if you’re looking for something serious, you can even use the site’s advanced messaging system to chat with potential partners. All in all, ThaiFriendly is a great way to find your perfect match!

Pros Cons
Easy to use interface Limited search filters
Large user base No video chat feature
Free to join and use basic features No mobile app available
Verified profiles Limited messaging options for free users

ThaiFriendly Review


Twoo is the bee’s knees when it comes to online dating! It’s got tons of features and advantages that make it stand out from the crowd. You can search for singles near you, send messages, and even play games with other users. Plus, its super easy to use – no need to be a tech whiz! With Twoo, you can meet new people and make connections quickly and easily. So why wait? Sign up today and get ready to find your perfect match!

Pros Cons
Easy to use interface Limited access to features without subscription
Offers various ways to connect with other users Fewer active users than some competitors
Allows users to search for potential matches by location Profiles may not be genuine

Twoo Review

Evaluating Popular Online Dating Platforms

When it comes to reviewing dating sites and apps, we don’t mess around. Our team takes the time to really dive into each one so that our readers can make an informed decision when choosing a platform for their online dating needs. We start by testing out both free and paid versions of the site or app, exploring all features available on each version before making any conclusions about which is better suited for certain users.

Next up is sending messages – this step allows us to get a feel for how active other users are on the platform as well as test out response times from customer service if needed (we usually send at least 20-30 messages over 3 days). This also gives us insight into whether people actually reply back or not! Once we’ve sent enough messages, we take some time going through user profiles in order to assess what kind of people use these platforms; this helps inform our final verdicts later down the line. We then move onto assessing pricing plans & payment options – here’s where things can get tricky since there are often hidden fees involved with signing up! We’ll look closely at subscription prices compared against competitors’ offerings too so you know exactly what you’re getting yourself into when paying those monthly bills. Finally, after taking notes throughout every stage of review process,we compile everything together in an easy-to-read format that offers detailed information without overwhelming potential daters who just want quick answers about which sites/apps they should try first.

At Dating Experts Online Reviews LLC., we understand how important finding love online has become nowadays – that’s why no stone goes unturned during our reviews: only thorough research will do! With years of experience under our belts plus countless hours spent researching different services across multiple categories (from messaging systems & search filters right down to payment methods), rest assured knowing your safety & satisfaction come first with us…because everyone deserves true love ♥


1. How to find a boyfriend on dating sites?

Start by creating a profile that accurately reflects who you are and what kind of relationship you’re looking for. Reach out to people whose profiles match your own interests, be honest in your conversations, and take the time to get to know someone before meeting up. With patience and an open heart, it’s possible to find a great connection on dating sites!

2. What are the best dating sites for lesbians?

I’ve tried a few different dating sites and apps for lesbians, and I’d say the best ones are HER, OkCupid, and Match.com. They all have great features like matchmaking tools to help you find someone compatible with your interests quickly! Plus they’re easy to use so it’s no hassle getting started on finding that special someone.

3. What are the best dating sites for swingers?

I’ve tried a few different sites and apps for swingers, but my favorite has to be AdultFriendFinder. It’s got the most active members and it’s easy to use. I also like SDC because of its detailed search options – you can really narrow down who you’re looking for! Finally, SwingLifestyle is great if you want more than just dating – they have forums too so it feels like an online community.

4. How do dating apps work?

Dating apps are pretty straightforward – you create a profile, upload some pics and start swiping. If someone likes your profile too then it’s a match! You can chat with matches through the app or meet up in person if things go well. It’s an easy way to connect with people looking for love or just fun conversations.