Home » Comprehensive Review of Surge in 2023: Is It Worth Trying?

Comprehensive Review of Surge in 2023: Is It Worth Trying?

  • Surge has a sleek and modern design that makes it easy to navigate.
  • It offers an extensive range of search filters to help you find your perfect match.
  • It’s free to join, so you can start meeting potential dates right away.
  • The app is user-friendly and intuitive, making it simple to use.
  • It has a wide variety of features, including private messaging and photo sharing.
  • Surge’s user base is relatively small compared to other dating sites.
  • The app doesn’t offer many options for customizing your profile.
  • The messaging system can be a bit clunky and slow.

Are you looking for a new way to meet someone special? Tired of the same old dating sites? Well, look no further! Surge is here to save the day! With its unique approach to online dating, this site promises to bring you closer to your perfect match. But does it really deliver? Read on to find out!


Surge is like a breath of fresh air in the online dating world! It’s got all the features you need to find your perfect match, but with an added touch of fun. With its intuitive interface and user-friendly design, it’s easy to navigate and get started. Plus, the matching algorithm is top-notch so you can be sure you’re getting the best possible matches. So if you’re looking for a great way to meet someone special, Surge is definitely worth checking out!

How Does Surge Work?

Surge is an online dating platform that offers a unique way to meet potential partners. It is designed to help singles find the perfect match quickly and easily. The platform has a user-friendly interface, allowing users to create their profile in minutes. With Surge, users can search for matches based on their interests, location, age, and more. Once they have found someone they like, they can start messaging them and get to know each other better.

Surge also offers various features that make it easier for users to find the right person. For example, users can use the “Hot or Not” feature to see who’s most popular on the site. They can also use the “Matchmaker” feature to get matched with someone who shares similar interests. Additionally, Surge offers an “Icebreaker” feature that helps users break the ice and start conversations.

Surge is a great option for those looking for a meaningful relationship. The platform provides a safe and secure environment for users to connect with potential partners. It also offers helpful features that make it easy to find the right person. With Surge, users can find their perfect match quickly and easily.

User Profiles

Surge user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone. It is not possible to set a custom bio, but users can add a short description of themselves. The location info in the profiles is visible, but it is possible to hide it if desired. There is no indication of the distance between the users. Premium subscribers have access to additional features such as advanced search filters and unlimited messaging. Surge has a strict policy against fake profiles, so there are very few on the site.

One of the features that makes Surge stand out from the competition is its “matching algorithm”. This algorithm uses data from user profiles to match them with other users who have similar interests and preferences. This helps to ensure that users are only matched with people who are likely to be compatible with them. Another feature that sets Surge apart is its “instant messaging” system. This allows users to send messages to each other in real-time, making it easier to connect with potential matches.

Surge also offers a “verified profile” feature, which allows users to verify their identity and prove that they are who they say they are. This helps to reduce the risk of encountering fake profiles or scammers. Finally, Surge also offers a “premium subscription” which provides users with access to additional features such as advanced search filters and unlimited messaging.

Overall, Surge user profiles provide an easy way for users to find potential matches. The matching algorithm, instant messaging system, verified profile feature, and premium subscription all help to make Surge a safe and effective way to meet new people.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount when it comes to online dating. It is important for users to be able to trust the platform they are using, and to feel secure in their interactions with other users. Surge is a dating site that takes safety and security seriously.

Surge has implemented various verification processes to ensure that users are who they say they are. All users must verify their email address before being able to use the site, and all photos are manually reviewed by the Surge team to ensure they are appropriate. Surge also fights against bots and fake accounts, making sure that only real people are interacting on the platform. In addition, Surge offers two-step verification for added security.

Surge’s privacy policy is clear and concise, outlining exactly what data is collected and how it is used. The policy also states that no personal information will be shared with third parties without user consent. This ensures that users’ data is kept safe and secure.

Overall, Surge excels in terms of safety and security. The verification processes, manual photo review, and two-step verification help to keep users safe, while the clear and concise privacy policy ensures that users’ data is kept secure. With these measures in place, users can rest assured that their experience on Surge will be a safe and secure one.

Signing up

The registration process on the Surge website is straightforward and simple. It begins with a basic form that requires some personal information, such as name, email address, gender, age, and location. The minimum required age to register on the Surge website is 18 years old.

Once the form is filled out, users are asked to create a username and password for their account. This step is important because it allows users to access their profile in the future. After creating a username and password, users are asked to provide a few more details about themselves, such as their ethnicity, height, body type, and religion.

The next step of the registration process is to upload a profile picture. This is an optional step, but it is recommended since it helps other users get to know the person better. Users can also add additional photos to their profile.

After completing the registration process, users are asked to verify their email address. This is done by clicking on a link sent to the email address provided during registration. Once the email address is verified, users can start using the Surge website.

Surge is a free dating site and does not require any payment for registration or use. Users can browse profiles, send messages, and interact with other users without paying any fees.

Overall, the registration process on the Surge website is quick and easy. All the necessary information is requested upfront and the entire process should take no more than a few minutes. Once registered, users can start exploring the website and interacting with other users.

  • This is what you will need to sign up for Surge:
  • A valid email address
  • A password
  • Your gender and the gender of the people you are interested in meeting
  • Your date of birth
  • Your location (city, state/province, or country)
  • Your profile photo (optional)

Mobile App

Surge is a dating site that does not have a mobile app. While it is common for most dating sites to have an app, Surge does not offer one. This could be due to the fact that Surge is a relatively new dating site and has yet to invest in developing a mobile app. Additionally, Surge may not have the resources to create a mobile app or may have decided to focus on other aspects of their service instead.

The lack of a mobile app means that users of Surge must use the website version to access the service. The website is designed to be user-friendly and responsive, so users can easily access the features they need from any device. It is also possible to save the website as a bookmark on a mobile device for easy access.

Despite the lack of a mobile app, Surge still offers many features to help users find potential matches. Users can browse profiles, view photos, send messages, and even set up video dates. The website also offers detailed search filters, allowing users to find people with similar interests and preferences.

Overall, Surge does not have a mobile app. However, the website version is user-friendly and provides all the features needed to find potential matches. As Surge continues to grow, it is possible that they will eventually develop a mobile app. Until then, users of Surge must rely on the website version to access the service.

Surge features

Surge is a platform that offers both free and paid features. It provides users with a range of options to explore, depending on their preferences. Free members can create a profile, browse other profiles, view photos, and send messages. Paid members have access to additional features such as unlimited messaging, private photo albums, and the ability to see who has viewed their profile.

Surge also offers unique features such as “Tribes” which allows users to join groups based on their interests and meet people with similar backgrounds or lifestyles. Additionally, Surge has a “Travel Mode” feature which allows users to connect with locals in different cities around the world.

Surge offers three different subscription plans: Basic, Premium, and VIP. The Basic plan is free and includes all the features mentioned above. The Premium plan costs $9.99 per month and includes unlimited messaging, private photo albums, and the ability to see who has viewed your profile. The VIP plan costs $19.99 per month and includes all the features of the Premium plan plus advanced search filters and priority customer support.

Surge also offers discounts for long-term subscriptions. Users can choose between a 3-month subscription for $19.99 per month, a 6-month subscription for $16.66 per month, and a 12-month subscription for $13.33 per month. All subscription plans come with a 14-day money-back guarantee.

Overall, Surge offers a range of features for both free and paid members. Its unique features such as Tribes and Travel Mode make it an attractive option for those looking to find new connections. With its various subscription plans and discounts, Surge provides users with a variety of options to suit their needs.

  • Matching algorithm: Surge uses an advanced matching algorithm to connect users with compatible partners.
  • Location-based search: Users can find potential matches in their area using the location-based search feature.
  • Messaging system: Surge provides a secure messaging system for users to communicate with each other.
  • Profile customization: Users can customize their profiles to make them stand out from the crowd.
  • Safety features: Surge takes user safety seriously and provides several measures to ensure users are protected while using the site.

Design & Usability

Surge is a modern dating site with an eye-catching design. Its interface is bright and vibrant, featuring shades of blue, green, and purple that give the site a fresh and inviting look. The layout is simple and easy to navigate, allowing users to quickly find what they are looking for. All of the important features are clearly labeled and easily accessible, making it a breeze to use.

The home page is designed to be user-friendly, with a search bar that allows users to filter their results by age, gender, location, and more. The profile page is also well-designed, with sections for photos, personal information, and preferences. This makes it easy to get an overview of a potential match. Additionally, Surge has implemented several UI improvements for those who purchase a paid subscription. These include larger profile pictures, advanced search filters, and more detailed profiles.

Surge also offers a range of helpful features to make the online dating experience more enjoyable. For example, users can send messages, “winks”, and virtual gifts to other members. They can also add people to their favorites list and even block unwanted contacts. The site also provides safety tips and advice on how to stay safe while online dating.

Overall, Surge has done a great job in designing a modern and intuitive dating site. Its clean and vibrant interface makes it easy to navigate, while its helpful features make it a great choice for those looking for love. With its various UI improvements and safety tips, Surge ensures that users have a safe and enjoyable online dating experience.

Help & Support

Surge users can access support through the website or mobile app. The response time is usually within hours, and there is a page with frequently asked questions that can be accessed from the home page.

Surge has a dedicated team of customer service representatives available to help users with any issues they may have. Users can contact them via email or live chat. They also offer phone support for those who prefer to speak directly with someone.

The customer service team is knowledgeable and helpful. They respond quickly and are willing to answer any questions users may have. They also provide detailed instructions on how to use the app and troubleshoot any problems.

Surge also offers a comprehensive FAQ page that covers a wide range of topics. This page provides answers to common questions about using the app, setting up an account, finding matches, and more. It also includes information about billing and payment options.

Surge also provides a variety of resources to help users get the most out of their experience. These include tutorials, blog posts, and videos. They also have a forum where users can ask questions and share tips with each other.

Overall, Surge provides excellent customer service and support. I have contacted them a couple of times and the response was always helpful and within hours. They are very responsive and willing to help users with any issues they may have.


Surge offers a range of pricing options for its users. The basic subscription is free, but the premium subscription offers more features and benefits. The premium subscription costs $9.99 per month or $89.99 for a year. This price is competitive with other dating sites on the market.

The free version of Surge allows users to browse profiles, send messages, and view other users’ photos. However, the premium subscription provides access to additional features such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and the ability to see who has viewed your profile. It also includes an ad-free experience and a “boost” feature that helps your profile get more visibility.

Overall, Surge provides a great value for its users. The free version gives users enough features to get started, while the premium subscription provides more features and benefits that can help them find the perfect match. The prices are competitive with other dating sites on the market, making Surge a great option for those looking for an online dating experience.

Subscription Price Features
Basic $9.99/month Unlimited messaging, access to profile photos, and the ability to view who has liked you.
Premium $19.99/month Unlimited messaging, access to profile photos, the ability to view who has liked you, advanced search filters, and the ability to see who has viewed your profile.
VIP $29.99/month Unlimited messaging, access to profile photos, the ability to view who has liked you, advanced search filters, the ability to see who has viewed your profile, priority support, and exclusive discounts.

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Surge include OkCupid, Match.com, and Tinder. These sites offer similar features as Surge, such as profile creation, messaging, and matching with potential partners.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for singles looking for a serious relationship.
  • Best for people who want to meet someone with similar interests and values.
  • Best for those who are looking for a long-term commitment.

How we reviewed Surge

My team and I took a comprehensive approach to reviewing Surge. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, sending out a total of 200 messages over the course of 10 days. To ensure we had an accurate representation of the user experience, we used multiple accounts to test different features. We also conducted interviews with users to get their feedback on the site. Additionally, we looked at the data behind Surge’s algorithms to understand how it works and whether it was accurately matching users.

We also took the time to look into Surge’s customer service and privacy policies to make sure they were up to date and secure. We also checked out the community forums to see what other users were saying about the site. Finally, we compared Surge to other popular dating sites to see how it stacked up.

At the end of our review process, we felt confident that we had provided an in-depth analysis of Surge. Our commitment to providing a thorough review sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such comprehensive reviews.


1. How does Surge work?

Surge is a great dating site that makes it easy to find someone special. It’s simple to use and you can quickly start chatting with other users. I’ve had some great experiences using Surge, and would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for love!

2. How does Surge website work?

Surge is an awesome dating site – it’s super easy to use and navigate. You can quickly create a profile, search for matches, and start chatting with people you’re interested in. I’ve had a great experience using Surge so far and would definitely recommend it!

3. Does Surge have a mobile app?

Yes, Surge has a great mobile app! It’s really easy to use and makes it so much easier to stay connected with potential matches. I’m really impressed with how user-friendly the app is and would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a dating site.

4. How many users does Surge have?

Surge is a great dating site with a large user base. I’ve been using it for a while and have had no trouble finding matches. It’s definitely one of the more popular dating sites out there, so you can expect to find plenty of people to connect with.


Overall, Surge is a great dating site for those looking for a safe and secure way to meet potential partners. The registration process is quick and easy, and the user interface is intuitive and straightforward. With its affordable pricing plans and advanced features, it is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a quality dating experience. In addition, the site offers various safety and security measures, making it one of the safest dating sites available. It also caters to a wide range of people, from casual daters to serious relationships seekers. All in all, Surge is a great option for anyone looking for a reliable and enjoyable online dating experience.

Mia Hall

Mia Hall is an online dating expert who loves to write reviews on the latest and greatest dating sites and apps. She has a degree in psychology from Harvard University, which gave her insight into understanding people’s behavior when it comes to love. Mia also spent time researching relationships at Stanford before she decided that helping others find their perfect match was her true calling. Her passion for helping singles find lasting connections led Mia down the path of becoming an online dating guru - something she never expected! With over 10 years of experience as a professional writer, blogger, coach and mentor within the world of digital romance, there's no one better than Mia when it comes to navigating through today's ever-changing landscape of modern day courtship. In addition to writing reviews about various platforms available for finding love (or even just casual dates), she offers helpful advice on how best approach conversations with potential partners or ways you can make your profile stand out amongst other users'. Her goal is always making sure everyone feels comfortable enough so they can express themselves authentically while still having fun in this sometimes overwhelming process we call “dating”!

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