Home » 2023 Review of SexyBlackPeople: Is It Worth Trying?

2023 Review of SexyBlackPeople: Is It Worth Trying?

  • SexyBlackPeople makes it easy to find like-minded singles in your area.
  • The site offers great search filters for finding the perfect match.
  • It’s free to join and use, so you can get started right away!
  • Limited search options for finding potential matches
  • Unclear messaging policy
  • Expensive membership fees
  • Lack of customer service support
  • Outdated user interface

Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Tired of swiping left and right with no luck? Well, if you’re a single black person, SexyBlackPeople might be just what you need! In this review, we’ll take an in-depth look at this unique dating site to see if it’s worth your time – and your heart. What kind of features does it offer? Is it easy to use? Can you really find true love on SexyBlackPeople? Let’s find out!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site, SexyBlackPeople is definitely not the way to go. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack! I mean, sure, it might seem like a good idea at first, but after spending some time on there, you’ll quickly realize that it’s just a waste of time and money. The matches are few and far between, and most of them don’t even respond to your messages. Save yourself the trouble and look elsewhere – trust me, you won’t regret it!

How Does SexyBlackPeople Work?

SexyBlackPeople is an online dating platform that caters to African American singles looking for relationships. It is a safe and secure platform with many features that make it easy to find potential matches. The site has a user-friendly interface, allowing users to search for other members based on their preferences. Members can also view profiles of other members, send messages, and add people to their favorites list.

In addition to the basic features, SexyBlackPeople also offers some unique features such as “Flirtcasts” which allows users to send flirty messages to multiple people at once. There is also a “Favorites” section where users can save the profiles of members they are interested in.

Overall, SexyBlackPeople is a decent online dating platform for African American singles. However, there are better alternatives out there with more features and better user experience. For example, some sites offer video chat, advanced search filters, and even matchmaking services.

Help & Support

Users of SexyBlackPeople can access support through the website’s contact page. On this page, users can submit a request for assistance and receive a response from customer service. The response time is usually within 24 hours, although it may take longer depending on the complexity of the issue.

In addition to submitting a request for help, users can also browse the frequently asked questions (FAQ) page. This page contains answers to common questions about using the site, such as how to create an account, how to update profile information, and how to cancel a subscription.

I have contacted SexyBlackPeople’s customer service a couple of times in the past, but I never received a response or the response was not helpful. It appears that the support team does not always respond promptly or provide adequate assistance.

Overall, SexyBlackPeople provides limited support options. Users can submit a request for help or view the FAQ page, but there is no live chat or phone support available. Additionally, customer service responses are often slow and unhelpful. Therefore, users should be aware that they may not receive timely or satisfactory support when using the site.

Mobile App

At the time of writing, SexyBlackPeople does not have a mobile app. This is surprising given that most dating sites have their own mobile apps these days. There are several possible reasons why SexyBlackPeople may not have an app. It could be that they do not have the resources to develop and maintain one, or it could be that they feel that their website is sufficient for users to access the site on mobile devices.

A mobile app can provide a number of advantages for a dating site such as SexyBlackPeople. For example, it can make it easier for users to find potential matches while on the go. Additionally, an app can offer features such as push notifications which can help keep users engaged with the site. A mobile app can also provide a more streamlined experience for users, allowing them to quickly and easily access the features they need without having to navigate through a website.

However, there are also some disadvantages to having a mobile app. For example, developing and maintaining an app can be costly, and it requires a significant amount of effort to ensure that the app is up-to-date and bug-free. Additionally, if the app is not native, users may be put off by the fact that they have to download a third-party app in order to use the service.

Overall, SexyBlackPeople does not currently have a mobile app. While this may be disappointing for some users, the website itself is still accessible on mobile devices, so users can still take advantage of the features and services offered by the site.

User Profiles

SexyBlackPeople is a dating site where users can create public profiles that are visible to other members. All users can view each other’s profiles, but only those with a premium subscription can set a custom bio. Profiles include location information, but it is possible to hide this if desired. There is no indication of the distance between users.

Premium subscriptions come with several benefits, such as access to exclusive content and more advanced search filters. It also unlocks the ability to send messages to other users.

The user profiles on SexyBlackPeople are generally quite detailed and provide a good overview of the user’s interests and preferences. However, there have been reports of fake profiles, so users should be cautious when interacting with others.

One area where SexyBlackPeople could improve is in its profile customization options. Currently, users can only upload one profile photo and cannot add additional photos or videos. This limits the ability for users to express themselves and make their profiles stand out.

Overall, SexyBlackPeople offers a comprehensive platform for users to find potential matches. The profiles are detailed and offer a good overview of the user’s interests and preferences. However, users should be aware of the potential for fake profiles and the limited customization options.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount when it comes to online dating, and SexyBlackPeople takes this seriously. The site offers a variety of verification methods to ensure that users are who they say they are. For example, all new accounts must be verified via email before they can be used. Additionally, SexyBlackPeople has implemented measures to fight against bots and fake accounts. This includes two-step verification, which adds an extra layer of security for users.

When it comes to photos, SexyBlackPeople manually reviews each one to make sure it is appropriate and in line with the site’s terms of service. This helps to protect users from any unwanted or inappropriate content. Furthermore, SexyBlackPeople has a comprehensive privacy policy in place that outlines how user data is collected, stored, and used.

While SexyBlackPeople does take safety and security seriously, there are still some areas where improvements could be made. For instance, the site does not currently offer any sort of background check for users. This means that users have no way of knowing if someone they are communicating with is telling the truth about their identity or background. Additionally, SexyBlackPeople does not provide any sort of protection against catfishing or other forms of online deception.

Overall, SexyBlackPeople takes steps to ensure the safety and security of its users. However, there are still some areas where the site could improve in terms of safety and security. By implementing additional measures such as background checks and protections against catfishing, SexyBlackPeople could further strengthen its commitment to providing a safe and secure online dating experience.

SexyBlackPeople features

SexyBlackPeople offers both free and paid features for its users. The free version allows users to create a profile, upload photos, search for matches, and receive messages from other users. Paid members can also enjoy additional features such as advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, and access to exclusive chat rooms. Uniquely, SexyBlackPeople also offers a feature called “Black People Meet Me” which allows users to search for people in their area and meet up with them in person.

In terms of pricing, SexyBlackPeople has two subscription plans: a one-month plan and a three-month plan. The one-month plan costs $19.99 per month and the three-month plan costs $13.33 per month. Both plans offer the same features and are billed on a recurring basis. Payment methods accepted include credit cards, PayPal, and Google Pay.

SexyBlackPeople also offers discounts for long-term subscriptions. For example, users who purchase a six-month subscription will get a 25% discount off the regular price. Additionally, users can purchase tokens to access premium features such as sending virtual gifts and unlocking private photos. Tokens can be purchased in packs of 10, 20, or 50 and cost between $0.99 and $4.99 per token.

Overall, SexyBlackPeople provides an affordable way for users to access a range of features and connect with potential matches. The site is easy to use and offers a variety of payment options. It also offers discounts for long-term subscriptions and the ability to purchase tokens for extra features.

  • Free and easy sign up
  • Ability to search for potential matches by location, age, interests, etc.
  • Private messaging and chat features
  • Detailed profile creation to showcase your personality
  • Comprehensive safety measures to ensure a secure online experience

Design & Usability

SexyBlackPeople has a sleek and modern design, with a dark color palette that is easy on the eyes. The site is well organized and easy to navigate, making it simple for users to find what they are looking for. The homepage features an image carousel that showcases different members of the site, along with helpful links and information about the service. The search bar at the top of the page allows users to quickly find other members who match their criteria.

The overall user experience is smooth and straightforward. All of the necessary features are easily accessible from the main menu, which can be accessed from any page. Users can also access their account settings, messages, and notifications from the top right corner of the page. Additionally, SexyBlackPeople offers a mobile app for both iOS and Android devices, allowing users to stay connected while on the go.

For those looking to get the most out of their SexyBlackPeople experience, there is a paid subscription option. This provides access to additional features such as advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, and profile verification. While these features can be helpful, the overall usability of the site remains largely unchanged.

Overall, SexyBlackPeople’s design and usability are satisfactory. However, there are some areas where improvement could be made. For example, the search function could be more robust, allowing users to filter by more criteria. Additionally, the mobile app could use some work in terms of design and usability. With some minor tweaks, SexyBlackPeople could become even more user-friendly and enjoyable.

Signing up

Registering on the SexyBlackPeople website is a straightforward process. The first step is to provide basic information such as name, gender, date of birth, and email address. It is important to note that the minimum age requirement for registering on the website is 18 years old. Once this information is provided, users must create a username and password. This will be used to log in to the website.

The next step is to provide additional information about yourself, such as physical characteristics, interests, and lifestyle. Users can also upload photos of themselves. After completing this section, users are asked to agree to the terms and conditions of the website.

The final step is to verify your account. To do this, users must click on a link sent to their email address. This verifies that the email address provided is valid. Once verified, users can start using the website.

It is free to register on the SexyBlackPeople website. After registration is complete, users can use the website to find potential matches. They can search for other members by location, age, and interests. They can also send messages and use the chat feature to communicate with other members.

Overall, the registration process on the SexyBlackPeople website is simple and easy to follow. It requires providing basic information, creating a username and password, providing additional information about yourself, agreeing to the terms and conditions, and verifying your account. It is free to register and users must be at least 18 years old to join.

  • To register on SexyBlackPeople, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your gender and sexual orientation
  • Your age and location
  • A profile picture


When it comes to pricing, SexyBlackPeople offers a range of options. There is a free version that allows users to create a profile and browse other profiles. However, the features are limited and it doesn’t offer the same level of functionality as the paid subscription. With the paid subscription, users can access more features such as advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, and the ability to see who has viewed their profile. The prices for the paid subscription are competitive with other dating sites on the market.

Overall, SexyBlackPeople provides an affordable way to meet people online. With the free version, users can get a feel for the site before committing to a paid subscription. For those looking for more features, the paid subscription is worth considering. It provides access to additional features and offers great value for money.

Subscription Option Price Features
Basic $19.99/month Create a profile, search for matches, send and receive messages
Premium $29.99/month All Basic features plus: access to advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, view who has viewed your profile, get read receipts for messages
VIP $49.99/month All Premium features plus: priority customer service, exclusive offers, access to VIP events

Similar Sites

Alternative dating sites for Black people include SoulSingles, BlackPeopleMeet, and AfroIntroductions. These sites offer similar features to SexyBlackPeople, such as the ability to search for potential matches based on location, age, interests, and more.

  • OkCupid
  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for those looking for a serious relationship.
  • Best for those seeking to explore different cultures and backgrounds.
  • Best for those who want to meet and connect with other black singles.

How we reviewed SexyBlackPeople

As an online dating expert, I and my team put SexyBlackPeople through its paces. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, sending out messages to other users to get a feel for how it works. In total, we sent out over 500 messages in the course of a week. We also took time to explore the different features available on the site, such as messaging, profile customization, and search filters. We even tried out the mobile app to make sure it was just as easy to use as the desktop version.

We wanted to make sure our review was comprehensive, so we went the extra mile and read through user reviews from other sites, interviewed people who had used the site, and even reached out to customer service to get their perspective. We also kept track of any changes or updates made to the site during our review period.

By taking the time to really dig into the ins and outs of SexyBlackPeople, we were able to provide an honest and thorough review that sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such in-depth coverage. Our commitment to providing an unbiased and accurate review of SexyBlackPeople is something we take seriously, and we hope it helps others make informed decisions about which dating site is right for them.


1. Is SexyBlackPeople safe?

I wouldn’t recommend SexyBlackPeople. It doesn’t seem to have the best safety measures in place and I’m not sure how secure your data is. Plus, there are some shady people on there who don’t make it a great dating experience. All in all, I wouldn’t trust it.

2. What payment methods does SexyBlackPeople accept?

SexyBlackPeople only accepts credit cards, which is pretty inconvenient. They don’t accept any other payment methods like PayPal or Venmo, which is a bummer. It’s kind of a pain to have to use a credit card for something like this.

3. How does SexyBlackPeople work?

SexyBlackPeople is a dating site that makes it easy to find someone to date, but I’m not a fan of the way it works. It’s too focused on physical attraction and doesn’t take into account important factors like personality and values. Plus, it’s not very user-friendly and can be confusing to navigate.

4. How can I know that the profiles on SexyBlackPeople are real?

I wouldn’t trust the profiles on SexyBlackPeople – there’s no way to know if they’re real or not. The site doesn’t seem to have any verification process, so it’s impossible to tell. Plus, I’ve heard some pretty sketchy stories about people using this site.


Overall, SexyBlackPeople is not a great option for those looking for a dating site. It has limited features and lacks safety and security protocols that are standard on other sites. The registration process is overly complicated and the pricing structure is confusing. Additionally, the usability of the site is subpar and it appears to be targeting a very specific demographic. All in all, there are much better options out there for those looking for a dating site.

Mia Hall

Mia Hall is an online dating expert who loves to write reviews on the latest and greatest dating sites and apps. She has a degree in psychology from Harvard University, which gave her insight into understanding people’s behavior when it comes to love. Mia also spent time researching relationships at Stanford before she decided that helping others find their perfect match was her true calling. Her passion for helping singles find lasting connections led Mia down the path of becoming an online dating guru - something she never expected! With over 10 years of experience as a professional writer, blogger, coach and mentor within the world of digital romance, there's no one better than Mia when it comes to navigating through today's ever-changing landscape of modern day courtship. In addition to writing reviews about various platforms available for finding love (or even just casual dates), she offers helpful advice on how best approach conversations with potential partners or ways you can make your profile stand out amongst other users'. Her goal is always making sure everyone feels comfortable enough so they can express themselves authentically while still having fun in this sometimes overwhelming process we call “dating”!

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