10 Thai Dating Apps To Help You Find That Special Someone

  • ThaiCupid – Best for those looking to find a meaningful connection with someone from Thailand.
  • ThaiFriendly – Best for people looking to meet someone special in Thailand.
  • Badoo – Best for people looking to meet new people and find potential romantic partners.
  • Tinder – Best for people looking to find a romantic connection quickly and easily.
  • AsianDating – Best for people looking to find an Asian match for a meaningful relationship.

There are plenty of other great Thai dating apps available. Many of them offer unique features and experiences that could be perfect for you. Alternatives that you might want to check out:

  • WeLove
  • DateinAsia
  • ThaiFlirting
  • OkCupid
  • TrulyThai

How To Choose The Best Option For You?

Ah, the age-old question: which Thai dating app is best? It can be a real head-scratcher trying to decide. I mean, there are so many options out there! But don’t worry – I’m here to help you make sense of it all and find your perfect match.

First things first: what do you want from an online dating experience? Are you looking for something casual or long term? Do features like video chat matter to you or not really? Knowing this will help narrow down your choices right away. Once that’s sorted out, consider how much time and effort (and money!)you’re willing to put into finding love on the web. Some apps require more commitment than others in terms of filling out profiles and swiping through potential matches – if that sounds like too much work then opt for one with fewer bells & whistles but still offers quality connections instead of going full throttle straight off the bat!

Next up is safety; as we all know by now cyber security should always come first when using any kind of digital platform – especially those involving personal information exchange between strangers who could potentially meet offline later on down the line…so look at each site’s privacy policy before signing up just in case they have some dodgy clauses tucked away somewhere about sharing data with third parties etcetera etcetera… You get my drift?!

Lastly comes user reviews; take note if people say they had trouble getting their account verified/customer service was unhelpful/the interface isn’t very intuitive etc because these kinds of issues can quickly turn even top notch apps into total nightmares pretty fast! Also keep an eye open for signs such as ‘too many fake accounts’ or ‘not enough active users’ since these might indicate a lacklustre community overall which would defeat half purpose already doesn’t it?!

All said & done though remember that ultimately choosing a good Thai dating app boils down mostly to personal preference rather than anything else so don’t stress yourself over making The Perfect Choice™ either way because hey life’s too short amirite?? So why not try them ALL until ya stumble upon ‘The One’!? 😉

List Of Best Thai Dating Apps


ThaiCupid is a dating site that’s perfect for those looking for love in Thailand. It’s got great features like an advanced search function, and a detailed profile section to help you find your perfect match. Plus, it’s free to join! You can start messaging potential partners right away, and with the large user base, you’re sure to find someone special. All in all, ThaiCupid is a great way to meet your soulmate – it’s definitely worth checking out!


ThaiFriendly is the ultimate dating site for singles looking to meet Thai singles. It’s got a ton of features, like messaging, video chat, and even a matching system. Plus, it’s totally free! It’s easy to use, with a sleek design and intuitive navigation. You can also search by location, so you can find someone close to you. And with its huge user base, you’re sure to find someone special. So why wait? Sign up today and get your Thai romance on!


Badoo is a dating site that offers a lot of features to make finding a match easy. It’s got an intuitive interface, advanced search filters, and a cool "encounters" game to help you find someone special. Plus, it has plenty of safety measures in place to keep your data secure. With Badoo, you can also chat with other users, share photos, and even video call them. All in all, it’s a great way to meet new people and find the one!


Tinder is the ultimate dating site/app, offering an easy way to find your perfect match. With its simple swiping feature, you can quickly browse through potential partners and find the one that’s right for you. Plus, its location-based search helps you connect with people nearby. And if you’re looking for a bit of fun, Tinder’s “Super Like” feature lets you show someone you’re really interested. So why wait? Get swiping and start finding your match today!


AsianDating is a great way to meet singles from all over Asia. It’s got loads of features and advantages, like the ability to search for potential matches by location, age, gender, and more. Plus, you can chat with other members in real-time, making it easy to connect. And with its mobile app, you can take your search on the go. All in all, AsianDating is a top-notch dating site that’s definitely worth checking out!

Why Are Thai Dating Apps So Popular Now?

Thai dating apps are all the rage right now! They’re popping up everywhere, and for good reason. With so many singles looking to find their special someone in Thailand, these apps make it easier than ever before. Plus they offer a great way to meet new people without having to leave your comfort zone – what could be better? From chatting with potential matches online or finding locals who share similar interests as you do – there’s something for everyone on Thai dating apps. So why not give them a try today? Who knows where love might take you!

5 Useful Tips For Thai Dating Apps

  • Make sure to read reviews and ratings of the app before downloading.
  • Create an interesting profile that stands out from the crowd.
  • Be honest about who you are and what you’re looking for in a partner.
  • Take your time getting to know someone before meeting them in person.
  • Use caution when sharing personal information with other users.

How Do We Rank Thai Dating Apps?

When it comes to reviewing Thai dating apps, my team and I don’t mess around. We take our job seriously and put in the work necessary for a thorough review. That’s why we tested both free and paid versions of these apps, sending out hundreds of messages over several days to get an accurate feel for how they worked. We also made sure that all the profiles on each app were real people by verifying their accounts with other social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram. Then we took time reading user reviews from multiple sources such as Google Play Store or App Store so that nothing was left unchecked before making our final decision about which ones are worth recommending to users looking for love online in Thailand!
What sets us apart is not only do we provide detailed reviews but also go beyond what most other sites offer – giving readers advice on safety tips when using any kind of online dating service along with helpful articles about successful long-distance relationships based off personal experiences shared by members who have found true love through one of these services! Our commitment towards providing comprehensive information makes us stand out among other review sites – you can trust that no stone has been left unturned during this process!


So there you have it, a comprehensive review of the best Thai dating apps. Whether you’re looking for love or just some fun with new people, these apps are sure to help make your experience in Thailand more enjoyable and memorable. With their easy-to-use features and convenient interfaces, they’ll take all the guesswork out of finding someone special – so why not give them a try? Who knows what could happen!


1. How to find good thai dating apps?

Do your research and read reviews from other users. Check out the app’s features to make sure it fits what you’re looking for. Lastly, try a few different apps until you find one that works best for you!

2. How dangerous are thai dating apps?

Thai dating apps are generally safe to use, as long as you take the same precautions that you would with any other online platform. It’s important to be aware of potential scammers and always practice good cyber security habits when engaging in conversations or sharing personal information. Overall, Thai dating apps can be a great way to meet people safely if used responsibly!

3. Are thai dating apps legit?

Yes, thai dating apps are legit! I’ve tried a few and they all seem to be reliable. Plus, you can easily find reviews online from people who have used them before so it’s easy to make an informed decision.

4. Are people on thai dating apps real?

Yes, people on thai dating apps are real! I’ve tried a few of them and have had great experiences with meeting new people. It’s always important to be cautious when talking to someone online but overall the experience has been positive for me.