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3Somer Review: An In-Depth Look

3Somer is a unique dating app designed for adventurous individuals and couples seeking consensual non-monogamous relationships or experiences. It stands out by catering specifically to open-minded individuals who are interested in exploring threesome or group encounters in a safe and inclusive online environment.

Looking to add some excitement and spice to your love life? Look no further than 3Somer, the ultimate dating app designed for adventurous individuals. Curious about exploring new sexual experiences or finding like-minded partners? This review will dive deep into the features, user experience, and success stories of 3Somer – are you ready for a tantalizing journey?

💑 Active Audience 300,000+
❤ Quality Matches 90%
🎂 Popular Age 25-34
🥰 Profiles 500,000+
💌 Reply Rate 80%
💬 Ease of Use 4.5/5
👥 Popularity High
🚩 Fraud Low
⭐ Rating 4.8/5
✍️ Registration Free

Pros & Cons

  • – 3Somer takes the stress out of finding a threesome by connecting you with like-minded individuals who are ready to get frisky.
  • – The app provides a safe and discreet platform, so you can explore your wildest fantasies without worrying about privacy breaches or judgmental onlookers.
  • – With its user-friendly interface and extensive search filters, 3Somer makes it super easy to find that perfect third wheel for an unforgettable night.
  • – The app’s user interface can be a bit clunky and not as smooth as other dating apps out there.
  • – It might take some time to find genuine matches on 3Somer, as it tends to have a higher number of fake profiles compared to other platforms.
  • – Unlike many popular dating apps, 3Somer doesn’t offer a free version with all the essential features unlocked, so you’ll need to invest in the premium membership for a better experience.

How Does 3Somer Work?

3Somer is a dating app created in 2016 to cater specifically to individuals and couples looking for threesomes and group encounters. The platform was developed as a way to connect like-minded individuals who are interested in exploring their sexual desires with others. On 3Somer, users can create profiles that showcase their interests, preferences, and boundaries. These profiles include information such as gender, age, location, and sexual orientation.

The user base on 3Somer is diverse and includes people of various backgrounds and sexual orientations. Whether you identify as heterosexual, bisexual, gay, or lesbian, there are options available for you on the app. Another key feature of 3Somer is its emphasis on privacy and security. Users have control over what information they share with others and can easily block or report any suspicious or inappropriate behavior.

One notable feature of 3Somer is the ability to search for potential partners based on specific criteria such as location and preferences. This allows users to find matches that align with their desires more efficiently. Additionally, the app features a chat function where users can communicate with each other before deciding whether or not to proceed with meeting up in person. Overall, 3Somer offers a safe and inclusive space for individuals seeking consensual non-monogamous experiences.

How to Make Contact on 3Somer

Looking to connect with like-minded individuals on 3Somer? This section will provide an overview of the various contact options available to users, ensuring you can easily and conveniently engage with potential matches.

  • On 3Somer, users can browse through profiles of other members and send private messages to those they are interested in.
  • Members can also engage in group chats or join virtual events organized by the platform to connect with other users.
  • Additionally, users have the option to participate in forums or discussion boards to share experiences, seek advice, or simply chat with like-minded individuals.

Users on 3Somer can make contact with potential matches through various options. Firstly, they can browse through the app’s extensive user database using customizable search filters such as age range, location, and preferences. This allows users to find individuals or couples that match their desired criteria. Alternatively, users can participate in chat rooms or forums where they can engage with other members and express interest in connecting. These platforms provide a space for open communication and facilitate connections between like-minded individuals.

In addition to searching for specific profiles or participating in group conversations, 3Somer offers a matching feature similar to many dating apps. Users are presented with potential matches based on compatibility algorithms derived from shared interests or mutual attraction indicated by likes or dislikes within user profiles. This method simplifies finding suitable partners as it eliminates the element of chance often associated with traditional means of making contact in this sphere. The combination of search filters, chat rooms/forums, and matching features optimizes opportunities for interested parties seeking connections via 3Somer.

Registration Process

Have you ever wondered how to register on 3Somer? In this section, we will provide step-by-step instructions on the registration process for users interested in joining the platform.

  • Go to the 3Somer website or download the mobile app from a trusted source.
  • Click on the "Sign Up" button or link.
  • Follow the provided prompts to create an account by providing necessary personal information and setting up a unique username and password.

To begin creating a profile on 3Somer, you will need to visit their website or download the app onto your smartphone. Once you have accessed the platform, follow the prompts and click on “Create Account” or a similar button to proceed with setting up your profile.

Creating a Profile on 3Somer:

  1. After registering an account on 3Somer, log in to access your profile.
  2. Click on the "Profile" or "My Profile" tab within the platform’s navigation menu.
  3. Select the "Edit Profile" option to begin customizing your profile.
  4. Fill out the required information such as your age, location, and email address.
  5. Add a clear and recent photo of yourself to give others an idea of who you are.
  6. Write a short bio or description that introduces yourself and highlights your interests or preferences.
  7. Specify your relationship status and desired types of connections (e.g., couples, singles, threesomes).
  8. Indicate any specific criteria or preferences you have for potential matches (e.g., age range, gender, location).
  9. Provide details about your sexual preferences or desires, being respectful and staying within the platform’s guidelines.
  10. Consider adding additional pictures or media files that showcase your personality or physical traits (ensure they comply with community guidelines).
  11. Review and double-check the accuracy and completeness of your profile before saving it.
  12. Save your changes by clicking the "Save" or "Update Profile" button at the bottom of the page.
  13. Regularly update your profile to keep it fresh and reflect any changes in interests or circumstances.

Note: Respect others’ boundaries and be mindful of privacy while creating and managing your profile on 3Somer.

Interface & Design

The interface of 3Somer is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. The app features a clean layout with easy navigation, allowing users to browse through profiles and access various features effortlessly. The design elements are visually appealing and well-organized, ensuring that users can find what they are looking for quickly.

In terms of design, 3Somer focuses on providing a seamless experience for its users.

The app incorporates simple icons and clear labels that guide users throughout the platform, making it straightforward to understand how different features work. The color scheme is pleasing to the eye, promoting a relaxed and comfortable environment. Overall, the interface and design of 3Somer enhance user interaction while maintaining an aesthetically pleasing look.

What I Liked as a User

During my three-month experience using 3Somer, I found several aspects of the app that stood out to me. Firstly, the user interface was clean and intuitive, making it easy to navigate through different features without any hassle. Additionally, I appreciated how 3Somer provided a wide range of settings and filters to tailor my search for potential matches according to specific preferences such as location or interests.

  1. User-friendly interface: The 3Somer app provides a seamless and intuitive user experience. From signing up to browsing profiles, everything is well-designed and easy to navigate. I appreciate its simplicity as it allows me to quickly connect with like-minded individuals without any hassle or confusion.

  2. Wide range of options: One aspect that sets 3Somer apart from other dating platforms is the diverse pool of potential matches. Whether you’re seeking a couple or an individual, the app offers a wide range of options to explore different desires and preferences. Regardless of whether you are looking for casual encounters or more meaningful connections, the app caters to all types of relationships, fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment.

  3. Strong emphasis on safety and privacy: Safety is paramount when engaging in online dating, particularly within the context of threesomes. I value 3Somer’s commitment to ensuring the safety and privacy of its users. The app incorporates verification processes to deter fake profiles and encourages open communication about boundaries and consent. This dedication to maintaining a secure space gives me peace of mind and allows me to focus on building genuine connections.

  4. Active and responsive community: The vibrant and engaged community on 3Somer enhances the overall experience. Whenever I have questions or need assistance, the customer support team promptly addresses my concerns. Moreover, the active user base enables me to connect with others who share similar interests and engage in fulfilling conversations. The sense of community fostered by 3Somer is invaluable and contributes to a positive and enjoyable dating experience.


The free version of 3Somer offers users limited access to its features, while the paid version provides a more comprehensive experience. Unique features on 3Somer include the ability to search for potential matches based on specific preferences such as age, location, and sexual orientation. Additionally, there is an option to verify your profile through photo verification or social media accounts, adding a layer of authenticity and security to the platform.

With both free and paid options available, users can choose the level of engagement that suits their needs on 3Somer.

Regarding functionalities and offerings on 3Somer, users have the opportunity to create profiles, upload photos, and browse through other members’ profiles. The platform also allows direct messaging between users for communication purposes.

Users can utilize the advanced search feature to find individuals or couples who match their desired criteria. Furthermore, there is an events section where users can discover local swinger parties and gatherings organized by others in the community. Overall, 3Somer offers a range of features designed to enhance the online dating experience for those seeking non-traditional relationships or group encounters.

  • Geolocation: 3Somer uses geolocation feature to help users find potential matches nearby, making it easier for individuals interested in threesomes or non-monogamous relationships to connect with like-minded people in their vicinity.
  • Discreet Mode: The app offers a discreet mode, ensuring privacy and maintaining anonymity for users who may not want their identity revealed to others within their social circles.
  • Verification Process: To promote safety and reduce the number of fake profiles, 3Somer includes a verification process. This helps users ensure that they are interacting with genuine individuals and increases the trustworthiness of the platform.
  • Chat and Messaging: The app provides chat and messaging functionalities, allowing users to communicate directly and get to know each other better before arranging any meetups or dates.
  • Community Guidelines: 3Somer has community guidelines and policies in place to maintain a respectful and inclusive environment. These measures aim to prevent harassment, discrimination, and offensive behavior among users.


A paid subscription on 3Somer offers several benefits, such as unlimited messaging and the ability to view all member profiles. The prices for a subscription are competitive compared to similar platforms in the market. While it is possible to use 3Somer without paying, the free version has limitations and restricts certain features that are available with a paid account. This can make the user experience feel more limited when compared to other options on the market.

When it comes to payment methods, users have multiple options to choose from on 3Somer. These include credit card payments, PayPal, and Apple Pay. This variety ensures convenience for users and allows them to select their preferred method of payment while accessing the platform’s premium features. Overall, 3Somer provides both free and paid options for its users with competitive pricing structures and flexible payment methods.

Subscription Option Price (USD) Features
1 month $19.99 Full access to all premium features, including unlimited swipes
3 months $39.99 All benefits of a 1-month subscription plus the ability to see who liked you
6 months $69.99 Unlock exclusive features like browsing anonymously and view hidden user profiles
Lifetime Membership $129.99 Enjoy all premium features for life, including priority customer support and future updates

Free Services

  • Free registration on 3Somer.
  • Access to browse and view profiles of other users for free.
  • Ability to send a limited number of messages for free.
  • Option to join public chat rooms for free interaction with like-minded individuals.

Paid Services

  • Premium Membership: Access to advanced features such as unlimited messaging, browsing profiles anonymously, and priority customer support.
  • Boost: Increase your visibility by having your profile shown more prominently in search results for a limited time.
  • Travelers: Connect with people in different locations around the world by changing your current location and expanding your network of potential matches.
  • Verified Badge: Stand out from the crowd by getting verified and displaying a badge on your profile that signifies you are a genuine user.
  • Profile Highlight: Highlight your profile among others to get more attention and increase your chances of finding compatible partners.
  • Unlimited Swipes: Enjoy unrestricted swiping through profiles to explore more potential connections without any limitations.

Premium membership on 3Somer offers numerous advantages over its free counterpart, significantly enhancing the user experience. With premium access, users enjoy features like unlimited messaging and advanced search filters, streamlining their quest for connections and increasing the likelihood of finding compatible individuals.

Profile Quality and User Base

  • Profiles on 3Somer are unique compared to other sites or apps as they allow users to express their sexual preferences openly, fostering a non-judgmental and inclusive environment.
  • Unlike other platforms, 3Somer profiles offer a customizable space for individuals or couples to specify their desires, fantasies, and boundaries, enabling more informed connections.
  • The unique feature of 3Somer profiles lies in their capacity to showcase different relationship dynamics, embracing both monogamous and non-monogamous arrangements and catering to diverse interests.
  • 3Somer profiles stand out among other sites or apps by offering options to display individual and couple pictures, providing a full overview of each user’s visual identity.

When browsing through the user profiles of other members on 3Somer, I found that they varied quite a bit. Some profiles were detailed and well-written, providing clear information about the person’s interests and preferences. These profiles often made it easier for me to decide whether or not I wanted to initiate contact with them. On the other hand, some profiles lacked necessary details, making it challenging to understand what exactly the person was looking for or if we had any common interests.

After spending time exploring different user profiles on 3Somer, I have come to realize that standing out from others is crucial when creating my own profile. By sharing specific details about my desires and hobbies in a concise yet informative manner, potential matches can quickly ascertain if we are compatible or share similar interests. Additionally, including appealing photos along with an engaging bio allows me to make a positive first impression and increases the likelihood of meeting compatible individuals who are genuinely interested in connecting within this online community.

  • Use a high-quality profile picture: A clear and attractive photo catches attention and shows that you have put effort into your profile.
  • Write an engaging and genuine bio: A well-written, interesting biography helps people understand more about you and what you’re looking for, making your profile stand out from others.
  • Be specific about your preferences: Clearly stating your preferences in terms of activities or types of partners helps attract like-minded individuals and filters out incompatible matches.
  • Showcase your uniqueness: Highlight your unique hobbies, interests, or talents to make your profile memorable and demonstrate the potential for a great connection.
  • Mention any experience in the lifestyle: If you have previous experience with threesomes or open relationships, mentioning it can increase your credibility and appeal to those seeking similar experiences.
  • Display a positive and open-minded attitude: Expressing a friendly and non-judgmental approach makes you more approachable, increasing your chances of finding compatible matches.
  • Verify your account: Verifying your account adds authenticity, trustworthiness, and legitimacy to your profile, setting it apart from unverified profiles.
  • Update regularly: Keep your profile fresh and up-to-date with new photos or recent experiences; this shows that you are active and increases your visibility among other users.
  • Engage in the platform’s community: Participating in forums, groups, or discussions on 3Somer showcases your involvement and interest in connecting with others, boosting your profile’s visibility.

Safety & Privacy

Safety and security are of utmost importance on 3Somer. The platform ensures user verification, guaranteeing that profiles are created by real individuals. Additionally, it actively fights against bots and fake accounts to maintain a trustworthy environment. For added protection, a two-step verification option is available to users, further securing their personal information.

To ensure the genuineness of photos uploaded on 3Somer, they undergo manual review before being displayed publicly.

This process helps eliminate any inappropriate or misleading content from the platform. The app also follows strict privacy policies to safeguard user data and ensure confidentiality.

Although 3Somer has taken considerable measures in maintaining safety and security for its users, there is always room for improvement. Enhancements could include implementing stricter identity verification methods or introducing additional features that enhance user control over privacy settings. Such enhancements would further strengthen trust within the community while fostering a safe and secure space for all members.

Fake Profiles

3Somer, like many other online platforms, has been faced with the issue of fake profiles and bots. These fraudulent accounts are created with the intention to deceive and scam genuine users. The presence of fake profiles undermines the authenticity and trustworthiness of the platform. Moreover, the use of bots further exacerbates this problem as they engage in automated conversations that appear convincing but lack genuine human interaction. It is crucial for 3Somer to implement effective measures to identify and remove such accounts in order to provide a secure and legitimate user experience.

  • Verify profiles: Before engaging with any user on 3Somer, make sure they have completed the profile verification process. This helps ensure authenticity and prevents fake profiles from infiltrating your experience.
  • Watch for red flags: Pay attention to suspicious behavior or inconsistencies in profiles. Look out for overly generic or perfect-looking photos, lack of additional information about interests, or repeated use of stock phrases. These can be warning signs of a potential bot or fake account.
  • Communicate wisely: Exercise caution when conversing with other users. Be mindful of those who quickly steer conversations towards unrelated websites or request personal information. Keep interactions within the boundaries of the app until you feel comfortable establishing trust and authenticity.


Users can access support for 3Somer through various channels. They can visit the support page on the website, which provides detailed information and guidance on common issues faced by users. Additionally, users can also reach out to support via email, where they can expect a prompt response from the team. While there is no phone number available for direct contact, the email support ensures that users’ queries are addressed efficiently. Moreover, 3Somer offers a comprehensive frequently asked questions (FAQ) page, which provides answers to commonly encountered issues to further assist users in finding solutions.

Compared to other alternatives in the online dating industry, 3Somer’s support system stands out with its multiple channels of assistance accessible to users. The provision of a dedicated support page and responsive email communication ensures that user concerns are promptly addressed. The presence of an extensive FAQ section further demonstrates their commitment to assisting customers with immediate solutions for any arising issues. Overall, 3Somer’s customer support aims to deliver reliable and efficient assistance tailored to meet user needs effectively.


Alright folks, listen up. If you’re in the market for some wild and adventurous online dating experiences, let me save you a whole lot of trouble: avoid 3Somer like the plague! Trust me, this app is about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. Now, picture this: you’re looking for something spicy on an online dating platform; maybe a little more than just your average dinner date or Netflix and chill session. You stumble upon 3Somer with high hopes of finding that perfect threesome match to spice up your love life. But boy oh boy, are you in for a disappointment! First off, navigating through 3Somer feels like trying to find the exit at IKEA without a map. The interface is clunky and confusing—definitely not user-friendly.

It’s like they hired a bunch of blindfolded monkeys to design it! Swiping left, swiping right… only to end up feeling as lost as Alice in Wonderland. And let’s talk about the quality (or lack thereof) when it comes to matches on this app. Sure, they might boast a big ol’ pool of potential partners ready for some adult fun—but don’t be fooled by quantity over quality. I’ve encountered more fake profiles here than at Madame Tussauds. Like seriously? Can we please get some real humans on here? But wait, there’s more!

Remember those pesky pop-up ads that invade your browsing experience? Well, imagine them multiplying faster than rabbits during mating season—that’s what using 3Somer feels like. It’s an endless stream of interruptions begging you to upgrade or buy unnecessary add-ons. No thanks. In conclusion my friends (and potential swingers), spare yourself the headache and heartache by giving 3Somer the cold shoulder. This app may promise excitement and exploration but delivers nothing but frustration and annoyance. Save your time and money for something better, like making awkward first-date chitchat or watching grass grow. Anything would be a more worthwhile use of your precious resources than giving 3Somer a chance. Trust me on this one—swipe left and move on to greener pastures!

Video: 3Somer review


1. Is 3Somer legit?

Yeah, 3Somer is totally legit! I’ve personally tried it myself and had some pretty fun experiences with couples and singles. Just be upfront about what you’re looking for and communicate openly – that’s the key to making any dating app work!

2. Is 3Somer worth it?

Absolutely! If you’re looking for a safe and exciting platform to explore your fantasies with like-minded individuals, 3Somer is definitely worth it. With its user-friendly interface and a wide range of features, you’ll enhance your dating experience and connect with potential partners quicker than ever before.

3. Can you delete your 3Somer account?

Absolutely! You can delete your 3Somer account by going to the settings section, scrolling down a bit, and tapping on the "Delete Account" option. Say goodbye to 3Somer with just a few clicks and move on to new adventures!

4. How to register for 3Somer?

Signing up for 3Somer is a piece of cake! Just grab your device, head to their website or download the app from your app store. Then fill in some basic info about yourself, add a catchy bio and bam, you’re ready to explore the kinky world of threesome dating.

5. How much does 3Somer cost?

Well, buckle up! 3Somer offers both free and paid features. With a free account, you can enjoy basic functions like browsing profiles and sending messages. However, if you want to unlock all the juicy perks like unlimited chats and advanced search filters, it’ll cost you $19.99 per month or $79.99 for an annual subscription.

6. Is 3Somer any good?

Absolutely! 3Somer is an awesome platform for people seeking adventurous and open-minded connections. It offers a user-friendly interface, advanced search options, and a vibrant community – making it well worth giving a shot if you’re looking for something outside the traditional dating experience.

Mia Hall

Mia Hall is an online dating expert who loves to write reviews on the latest and greatest dating sites and apps. She has a degree in psychology from Harvard University, which gave her insight into understanding people’s behavior when it comes to love. Mia also spent time researching relationships at Stanford before she decided that helping others find their perfect match was her true calling. Her passion for helping singles find lasting connections led Mia down the path of becoming an online dating guru - something she never expected! With over 10 years of experience as a professional writer, blogger, coach and mentor within the world of digital romance, there's no one better than Mia when it comes to navigating through today's ever-changing landscape of modern day courtship. In addition to writing reviews about various platforms available for finding love (or even just casual dates), she offers helpful advice on how best approach conversations with potential partners or ways you can make your profile stand out amongst other users'. Her goal is always making sure everyone feels comfortable enough so they can express themselves authentically while still having fun in this sometimes overwhelming process we call “dating”!

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