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Unravelling the Meaning Behind 420 on Tinder

Have you ever come across a profile on Tinder with “420” in their bio? Or maybe they sent it to you as a message? Ever wondered what it means? Well, wonder no more! We’ve got the answers – and they might surprise you. So, why do people use 420 on Tinder? What does it really mean? Read on to find out!

What is 420 on Tinder?

The term “420” has been around for quite some time, but it wasn’t until recently that it started popping up in the world of online dating. If you’re new to the game and wondering what does 420 mean on Tinder, here’s a quick breakdown.

What Does 420 Mean?

In its most basic form, 420 is slang for marijuana or cannabis consumption. It comes from the police code “4:20” which was used to indicate someone smoking weed. This code was eventually picked up by stoners everywhere and turned into an informal holiday celebrated on April 20th (or 4/20). The phrase has since become synonymous with marijuana culture and often pops up in music, movies, and TV shows.

How Does 420 Relate to Online Dating?

Nowadays, people are using the term “420 friendly” to signal that they either partake in marijuana use themselves or at least don’t mind if their potential partner does. For many singles, this can be a huge plus when searching for a compatible match. After all, not everyone is comfortable with drug use, so being able to filter out those who aren’t interested in pot can save you a lot of time.

Of course, there are still plenty of people who don’t want anything to do with drugs, so make sure you take your own personal feelings into account before swiping right on someone who lists themselves as “420 friendly”.

What Other Slang Should I Look Out For?

If you’ve noticed other strange terms while browsing profiles, don’t worry – you’re not alone! There are tons of slang words and phrases used on Tinder, many of which have nothing to do with marijuana. Here are a few of the more popular ones:

  • 420: As we already discussed, this is shorthand for marijuana.
  • DTF: This stands for “down to f**k” and is usually used to indicate that someone is looking for a hookup.
  • Netflix and Chill: A play on the old saying “dinner and a movie”, this phrase indicates that someone wants to hang out and watch Netflix together.
  • NSA: Short for “no strings attached”, this means someone isn’t looking for a relationship.
  • Kik Me: This person wants you to contact them via Kik, a messaging app.

Is 420 Friendly Right for You?

Whether or not you decide to swipe right on someone who lists themselves as “420 friendly” is entirely up to you. Just remember that it’s important to be honest about your own feelings and expectations when it comes to drug use. That way, you won’t find yourself in an uncomfortable situation down the line. Good luck!

Unravelling the Mystery of Tinder’s 420 Code

  1. 420 is a slang term used to refer to marijuana or cannabis consumption. It’s become an inside joke in the online dating world, especially on Tinder.
  2. On Tinder, people may use 420 as a way to indicate they are looking for someone who smokes marijuana and would be open to discussing it with them.
  3. People might also use it as a code word when talking about their own marijuana use, so that other users won’t be able to tell what they’re talking about.
  4. If you see someone using 420 on Tinder, it could mean they are either looking for someone to smoke with, or they are simply trying to make a joke.
  5. However, it’s important to remember that not everyone on Tinder is looking for the same thing. Some people may be completely against marijuana use, while others may be more open-minded.
  6. If you’re not sure what someone means by 420, it’s best to ask them directly. This will help avoid any misunderstandings and ensure that everyone is on the same page.
  7. As long as both parties are comfortable discussing marijuana use, there shouldn’t be any issues. Just remember to always be respectful of each other’s opinions.

Wrapping it Up: The Real Meaning Behind “420” on Tinder

So there you have it – the answer to the question “what does 420 mean on tinder?” It is a code used by cannabis users to indicate that they are open to discussing and sharing marijuana. While this isn’t necessarily something that everyone should be doing, it is important to be aware of the meaning behind it so you know what you’re getting into when someone mentions it in conversation. If you’re looking for a more general overview of the term, then 420 is also used as a way to celebrate marijuana culture and enjoy its benefits with friends. All in all, 420 is an interesting topic to explore and can help bring people together in many different ways.


1. What does 420 friendly mean on Tinder?

It means the person is open to smoking marijuana. It’s a popular code for pot smokers looking to connect with like-minded people. Basically, it’s someone who won’t judge you for lighting up!

2. Is 420 a code for something else on Tinder?

No, 420 isn’t a code for something else on Tinder. It’s just an expression used to refer to marijuana and is often associated with cannabis culture. So don’t be surprised if you see it in your chats!

3. Are there any other codes used on Tinder?

Nope, just the usual swiping left and right! But you can also Super Like someone if you really like them. Oh, and don’t forget to add an emoji or two for extra flirting points 😉

4. How can I tell if someone is 420 friendly on Tinder?

Look for phrases like "420 friendly" in their bio, check out what kind of photos they post, and ask them directly!

David Nelson

David Nelson is an online dating expert and writer who has been helping singles find love for over a decade. He began his career as a matchmaker, setting up friends on blind dates and giving them advice about how to make the most of their time together. After years of successful matches, David decided to take his knowledge further by exploring the world of online dating. He started writing reviews for different sites and apps in order to help people understand which ones were best suited for their needs; from there he was able to build up an impressive portfolio that now includes interviews with top industry professionals such as CEOs, developers, psychologists, sociologists and more! His work has appeared in major publications like The New York Times Magazine and Wired Magazine - showing just how far he's come since those early days matching couples around town! In addition to being a prolific author on all things related to modern romance culture (including tips & tricks), David also holds degrees in Psychology & Sociology from Stanford University – making him well-versed not only when it comes understanding human behavior but also technology trends within this ever-evolving field. What really sets him apart though is passion: no matter what kind of person you are or what your goals may be when it comes finding someone special out there – chances are good that David will have something valuable insight into offer!

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