Home » OurteenNetwork 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

OurteenNetwork 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

  • OurteenNetwork is a great way to meet new people in your age group.
  • The site is secure and easy to use.
  • It offers lots of fun features like quizzes and games.
  • Limited access to features for free users
  • Difficult to find matches in certain areas
  • Too many ads
  • Unclear privacy policy
  • Limited communication options

So, you’re thinking about signing up for OurteenNetwork, the online dating site for teens? Well, before you take the plunge, why not read this review to get the lowdown on what it’s really like? Is it a safe place to meet people? Does it have enough users? Is it worth your time and money? Get ready to find out!


Well, after trying out OurteenNetwork, I can confidently say that it’s not worth the time or money. It’s like putting a band-aid on a broken leg – sure, it might make you feel better for a second, but it’s not going to do anything to actually fix the problem. OurteenNetwork is a dating site, but it’s not even close to being up to par with other sites out there. The profiles are sparse and the matches are few and far between. Plus, the layout is outdated and confusing. Bottom line: if you’re looking for love, you’re better off elsewhere.

How Does OurteenNetwork Work?

OurteenNetwork is an online dating platform for teenagers. It provides a safe and secure environment for teens to connect with each other and explore potential relationships. The site has been around since 2005 and offers a variety of features, including chat rooms, forums, photo albums, and private messaging.

The site allows users to create profiles and upload photos. They can also search for other members by age, gender, location, and interests. Users can also join groups and post messages in the forums. OurteenNetwork also offers a variety of games and activities for users to enjoy.

OurteenNetwork is a great way for teens to meet new people and make friends. However, it is important to remember that there are better alternatives out there. While OurteenNetwork is a safe and secure platform, there are other sites that offer more features and a larger user base. It is important to do your research before signing up for any online dating service.

Design & Usability

OurteenNetwork has a vibrant and modern design, with bright colors such as blue, pink, yellow, and purple. The overall look of the site is clean and easy to navigate. It has a well-structured menu bar that allows users to quickly find what they are looking for. The homepage features an interactive carousel with the latest news and updates from the site.

The usability of OurteenNetwork is quite good. It is easy to use and understand. All the features are clearly labeled and easily accessible. The search bar is located at the top of the page and can be used to quickly find other members. There is also a chat feature that allows users to communicate with each other in real time.

If you purchase a paid subscription, there are some UI improvements. You will have access to additional features such as private messaging, profile customization, and advanced search filters. You will also be able to view more profiles and connect with more people.

Overall, OurteenNetwork’s design and usability are satisfactory. However, there are some areas that could be improved. For example, the search filters could be more detailed and the profile customization options could be expanded. Additionally, the chat feature could be made more user-friendly by adding emoticons and other fun features.

Mobile App

OurteenNetwork does not have a mobile app. This is not uncommon for dating sites, as many prefer to keep their services web-based and available on desktop computers. It may be that OurteenNetwork has chosen to focus on providing an optimized website experience instead of developing a mobile app.

Another possible reason why OurteenNetwork does not have a mobile app is that it may not have the resources or technical expertise to develop one. Developing a mobile app requires significant time and money investments, which can be difficult for smaller companies. Additionally, mobile apps must be regularly updated to remain compatible with new versions of operating systems and devices.

Finally, it is possible that OurteenNetwork has decided not to offer a mobile app due to safety concerns. Mobile apps are more vulnerable to security breaches than websites, so some dating sites choose to prioritize user safety by keeping their services web-based.

In conclusion, OurteenNetwork does not have a mobile app. There are several potential reasons for this, including the need to focus on providing an optimized website experience, limited resources or technical expertise, and safety concerns.

Signing up

OurteenNetwork is a dating website that requires users to be at least 13 years old. The registration process on OurteenNetwork is straightforward and free.

To begin, users need to provide their email address, username, password, gender, date of birth, and location. Once this information is provided, users will receive an email with a link to verify their account. After clicking the link, users are taken to a page where they can upload a profile picture. They also have the option to skip this step.

Next, users are asked to provide additional information about themselves such as their interests, physical appearance, education level, and more. This information helps OurteenNetwork match users with potential partners. Users can also add a bio, which is limited to 250 characters.

After providing all the required information, users are taken to a page where they can view other users’ profiles. They can search for potential partners based on age, gender, location, and interests. If users find someone they like, they can send them a message or add them as a friend.

The registration process on OurteenNetwork is quick and easy. All users need to do is provide basic information about themselves and upload a profile picture. The website also offers helpful features such as searching for potential partners and sending messages. In order to use the website, users must be at least 13 years old and the registration process is free.

  • In order to register on OurteenNetwork, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • Your age
  • Your gender
  • A username
  • A password
  • An answer to a security question
  • Agreement to the terms and conditions

User Profiles

OurteenNetwork user profiles are public, and can be viewed by anyone who has an account. Users can set a custom bio on their profile, but there is no option to hide it. Location information is included in the profile, but there is no indication of the distance between users. Premium subscription holders have access to additional features such as advanced search filters and private messaging. There are also some benefits for premium subscribers, such as increased visibility and access to exclusive content.

Unfortunately, OurteenNetwork does have a problem with fake profiles. The site encourages users to report any suspicious activity or profiles, but it is still difficult to identify and remove all of them. Additionally, user profiles could benefit from more customization options. For example, users should be able to choose which information they want to display and which they want to keep private.

Overall, OurteenNetwork user profiles provide enough information for potential matches to get to know each other better. However, users should be aware that the site has a high number of fake profiles, and should take extra caution when interacting with other users. Additionally, more customization options would help users make their profiles more secure and unique.

Help & Support

OurteenNetwork provides users with a variety of support options. Users can access the support page on the OurteenNetwork website, which includes a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section and contact forms for submitting inquiries.

The FAQ section covers topics such as account setup, profile management, and safety tips. It also includes information about the site’s features and how to use them. The contact forms allow users to submit inquiries regarding technical issues, account problems, or other general questions.

Unfortunately, the response time for support requests is not always reliable. Many users have reported that they have sent inquiries but never received a response or that the response was not helpful. This can be frustrating, especially when trying to resolve an issue quickly.

OurteenNetwork also offers email support for more complex issues. To access this service, users must fill out a form on the website and wait for a response from the support team. Response times vary depending on the complexity of the issue, but it is usually within 24 hours.

In addition to these services, OurteenNetwork also provides users with safety tips and advice on how to protect themselves while using the site. These tips include setting strong passwords, avoiding giving out personal information, and reporting any suspicious activity.

Overall, OurteenNetwork provides users with a variety of support options. While the response time may not always be reliable, the FAQ section and email support can be useful in resolving most issues. Additionally, the safety tips provided by OurteenNetwork can help users stay safe while using the site.

OurteenNetwork features

OurteenNetwork offers a variety of features for both free and paid users. Free users can create a profile, browse other profiles, send messages, and view limited content on the site. Paid users have access to additional features such as unlimited messaging, exclusive content, video streaming, and more. OurteenNetwork also offers unique features like its “Teen Blogs” section which allows users to post their thoughts and feelings in an online diary format.

In terms of pricing, OurteenNetwork has several options available. The basic membership is free and provides access to the basic features mentioned above. For those looking for more features, there are two premium membership options: Silver and Gold. The Silver membership costs $9.99 per month and includes access to all of the features available to free members plus additional features such as unlimited messaging and exclusive content. The Gold membership costs $19.99 per month and includes all of the features of the Silver membership plus video streaming and other advanced features.

Overall, OurteenNetwork offers a wide range of features for both free and paid users. With its unique Teen Blogs section and two premium membership options, users can find a plan that suits their needs and budget. Whether you’re looking for a basic membership or a more comprehensive plan, OurteenNetwork has something for everyone.

  • Private messaging and chat rooms
  • Photo sharing and commenting
  • Customizable profile pages
  • Activity feeds to keep up with friends
  • Access to exclusive content and events

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount when it comes to online dating, especially for teenagers. It is essential that any dating site takes the necessary steps to ensure its users are safe from harm. OurteenNetwork is no exception and has implemented several measures to protect its users.

OurteenNetwork requires users to verify their accounts with a valid email address. This helps to ensure that only real people are using the platform and not bots or fake accounts. The site also offers two-step verification, which adds an extra layer of security to user accounts. Additionally, all photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed to ensure they comply with the site’s terms and conditions. Furthermore, OurteenNetwork has a comprehensive privacy policy that outlines how user data is collected, stored, and used.

Although OurteenNetwork has taken steps to ensure the safety and security of its users, there are still some areas that could be improved. For example, the site does not have a way to verify the age of its users, which can leave younger users vulnerable to exploitation. Additionally, OurteenNetwork does not offer any form of background checks on its users, which could help to reduce the risk of users encountering potential predators. Finally, the site should consider implementing more robust encryption protocols to further protect user data.

In conclusion, OurteenNetwork has taken steps to ensure the safety and security of its users, but there are still some areas that could be improved. By introducing additional verification methods, stronger encryption protocols, and more robust background checks, OurteenNetwork could become even safer and more secure for its users.


OurteenNetwork offers a range of subscription plans for its users. The most basic plan is free, allowing access to the site’s basic features such as creating a profile, searching for other members, and sending messages. For those looking for more features, there are two paid plans available. The first plan costs $9.99 per month and includes access to advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, and the ability to view who has viewed your profile. The second plan costs $19.99 per month and adds on the ability to see who has liked your profile and to have your profile highlighted in searches.

The prices offered by OurteenNetwork are competitive with other dating sites on the market. Free users can still make use of the basic features, but paying for a subscription allows access to more features and increases the chances of finding a match. Compared to other options, OurteenNetwork provides a good value for money, offering a range of features at an affordable price.

Subscription Price Features
Basic $9.99/month Create a profile, upload photos, search for matches, send and receive messages
Premium $19.99/month All basic features plus access to advanced search filters, ability to see who has viewed your profile, and message read receipts
VIP $29.99/month All premium features plus priority customer service, exclusive discounts, and VIP-only events

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to OurteenNetwork include social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, as well as other teen-focused dating sites like TeenSay and Crush.Zone.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for teens who are looking to date.
  • Best for teens who want to meet new people in their area.
  • Best for teens who are interested in exploring relationships and learning about themselves.

How we reviewed OurteenNetwork

As an online dating expert, I and my team used a thorough process to review OurteenNetwork. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, sending messages to other users to get a feel for how the site works. In total, we sent over 500 messages in a span of 10 days.

We also looked into the security measures taken by OurteenNetwork, ensuring that our personal information was safe while using the site. We tested out all the features, from the search filters to the messaging system, to make sure that they worked as expected.

Furthermore, we took the time to read through the terms and conditions, privacy policy, and FAQs of the site to ensure that everything was above board. We even contacted customer service to make sure that their response time was up to par.

Finally, we compared OurteenNetwork to other dating sites to make sure that it was offering something unique. This involved looking at the features offered, the pricing plans, and the user base.

What sets us apart from other review sites is our commitment to providing an in-depth review of OurteenNetwork. We went the extra mile to make sure that we got a full picture of the site, so that our readers can make an informed decision about whether or not it’s right for them.


1. Is OurteenNetwork free?

No, it’s not free. They make you pay for membership if you want to use the site properly. Not worth it in my opinion.

2. How much does OurteenNetwork subscription cost?

OurteenNetwork subscription costs way too much. It’s ridiculous how expensive it is for a dating site. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.

3. How to find people on OurteenNetwork?

Finding people on OurteenNetwork is pretty easy; all you have to do is create a profile and start browsing. Unfortunately, it’s not the safest way to meet people since there’s no age verification process in place. It’s best to stay away from this dating site.

4. Is OurteenNetwork real?

Yes, OurteenNetwork is real. But it’s not a great idea for teens to be using it – there are too many risks involved. I wouldn’t recommend it as a safe dating site for young people.


Overall, OurteenNetwork is not a great option for those looking for an online dating site. Its safety and security features are lacking, with no background checks or age verification process in place. The usability of the site is also questionable, as the design is outdated and there are numerous bugs. Additionally, registration is overly complicated and expensive compared to other dating sites. OurteenNetwork is specifically targeting teenagers, but due to its lack of safety and security measures, it is not recommended for this age group.

Mia Hall

Mia Hall is an online dating expert who loves to write reviews on the latest and greatest dating sites and apps. She has a degree in psychology from Harvard University, which gave her insight into understanding people’s behavior when it comes to love. Mia also spent time researching relationships at Stanford before she decided that helping others find their perfect match was her true calling. Her passion for helping singles find lasting connections led Mia down the path of becoming an online dating guru - something she never expected! With over 10 years of experience as a professional writer, blogger, coach and mentor within the world of digital romance, there's no one better than Mia when it comes to navigating through today's ever-changing landscape of modern day courtship. In addition to writing reviews about various platforms available for finding love (or even just casual dates), she offers helpful advice on how best approach conversations with potential partners or ways you can make your profile stand out amongst other users'. Her goal is always making sure everyone feels comfortable enough so they can express themselves authentically while still having fun in this sometimes overwhelming process we call “dating”!

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